Chapter 6

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I’m lying in a grassy field. I can hear chatter somewhere near me. I sit up slowly, rubbing my head. Just ahead of me is my family, sitting on a picnic blanket, joking around, and having a fun time while they eat sandwiches and chew strawberries. A smile quickly dawns on my face as I stand up and run over to the people that I hold most dear in my life. All their heads turn towards me as I run at them. “Mom! Dad!” I exclaim as they stand up and walk in front of my siblings and I slam into them, wrapping my arms around them.
They push me off them with a confused look on their faces. “I’m sorry I think you’re confusing us with someone else. Are you lost sweety? Do you need help?” My mom asks worriedly and confused.
“No… Mom it’s me your son.” I tell them. They only look more concerned. “It’s me Mikhail! Don’t you remember me?”
“I’m sorry but we don’t know you...” my father says in his deep, gruff voice.
My smile fades. “I’ve only been gone a few months…” I whisper, “It’s only been a few months. How could you forget me? Your own son?”
I look up from where I was staring at the grass with blurry vision as tears gather in my eyes and my family is no longer there. In their place is a short man with dark blue skin and colorful spots of all colors dotting his skin. His ears, which are poking out of his long, shoulder length hair, are webbed.
A smile slowly grows on his face, and he grabs my arm and pulls me forward so I’m right next to him, slightly crouched. “You’re next.” He whispers in my arm in a deep, hissy tone. Then I feel a hand on my back, and I’m pushed forward and over the side of the cliff. Below me are large, sharp rocks, treacherous and a bone crushing crack as the waves hit the rocks. I’m aware of my screaming, but it was drowned out by the wind rushing by my ears as I fell. It starts to get hard to breathe the farther I fall and the harder the wind smacks against my face. I get dangerously close to falling face first into a sharp rock. But as soon as I’m at least an inch away, I’m lying on my back in a downpour of rain, and I can’t feel any broken bones or blood or pain. Maybe I’m dead and this is heaven.
But no. It’s not because as soon as I’m completely conscious. I can hear her screaming. I sit up at the sound. The loud, blood curdling scream being let out by one of my closest friends.
As soon as I’m on my feet I’m running to her, quickly passing startled Shin and a worried Koji. I came quickly to a halt in front of Kadie, Amilia sitting next to her, her legs curled up and her hands in her hair. I crouch down slowly and grab her, putting her head on my shoulder in comfort as her tears fall down her cheeks and onto my now wet shirt. The rain mixes in with her tears as she cries and cries and screams. What caused her to become so scared and fearful? What could have happened to take away the blonde girls shining smile?
As she calms down, I feel her tense shoulders relax and her arms wrap around my waist. Her loud sobs, which are now just quiet whimpers, quickly subside and she lets go of me. She looks around her, clearly confused about how she got her, when her eyes lock with mine. Then Kaydie’s. I watch as her eyes divert from Kaydie’s to her leg which is tucked to the side of her. I look there too. Her pants are soaked deeply with blood with some dripping down the area that is uncovered.
Just as suddenly as my awakening, a bright light flicked upon them. Above them is a ship. It flies a little bit away from them and lands in beautiful flowery grass, ruining and crushing all the pretty flowers. A ramp is lowered and out walks a bunch of heavily armored men with large guns which is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The gun is a dark grey color. It has a box-looking shape. The back of the gun is white. On top of the gun is a small cylinder that is glowing purple. The men are wearing a diamond shaped chest plate. In the middle of the chest plate is a symbol, which I’m guessing is the symbol of the people they work for. There is a circle in the middle of spike-looking pieces coming out of it. The first spike goes up and at the end has a part that goes down. The other spikes match and all of it is glowing a purple color. The woman is wearing something similar, but the chest peace, instead of being diamond shaped is more of a heart shape. On the shoulders of both are large pads that jut out with a slight triangular shape. Their helmets follow the shapes of their faces, some being rounder and some being more triangular. The middle of the helmet, which I’m guessing is the part they can see out of it, is a purple color with mixes of blue in it.
They raise their guns at us. I don’t have any time to think before they are shooting at us. I pulled Amilia up as quickly as I could, her red blotchy face beginning to fill with fear. I watch a figure run by and ahead of me I can see Shin already running, beckoning us along. Kaydie had been helped up quickly by Koji, who is helping support her due to her wound in her leg. I didn’t have time to watch and make sure that they had begun to move. All I knew was that Koji was helping Kaydie, and that I needed to get Amilia out of her. She probably won’t be able to think rationally in her disheveled state. So, I grabbed her hand, and we began to run as fast as our feet could take us.
Yay double update!!
Also, I changed the spelling of Kaydie's name from Katie to Kaydie.  I was originally just going to leave it but after having a discussion with some of my friends who are also writing books, I decided on Kaydie.
And as always, please tell me what you think because I would love your feedback!! And if you have any ideas on how I can improve my writing or my story, please don't be scared to let me know because I would be very grateful!!!

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