Sweet Smell of Cigarettes

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Bill: "Whatever... stupid brat... what's your name though?"
she pauses...
and quietly says

Bill's face runs hot with surprise...
Does this mean?...
Is she?...
Millions of questions run through his head in the span of a second

Bill: "Angel?" He repeats in shock
She looks at him with a confused expression
Angel: "What..."
He still can't believe this.. His face twists into conflicted bits...

What should he do now?He stares down at her Lacey looks up at him in jealousy

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What should he do now?
He stares down at her
Lacey looks up at him in jealousy.. Why is he staring at her little sister in bewilderment?
She isn't that special.. At least to her

Lacey: "So... The dance is coming up..."
Bill: "Babe, I just got here, how would I know about some silly dance?" he winks and snaps back into reality
Lacey: "Well now you do!!! Umm... If you would like to come with me..."
No!! This will distract him from his mission..
He can't lose focus
Bill: "Sweetie, I don't have time for a dance.. And to be honest, I gotta head to Theatre right now" he looks down at his schedule
Lacey's face dissolves into a puddle of disappointment
Lacey: "O-oh.. Okay.. Um.. See you around" she looks down at the ground
Angel stays silent, glancing over at him as he walks away, they make eye contact..
He still is unsure of what to do with the pretty little doll

Bill sighs in relief as he walks away from "Lacey", the crazy bitch.. As if he would even go to the dance with one girl-
That was out of his character
One girl?
He needs a crowd of women to keep him entertained
He smirks as his thoughts immediately become sexual, imagining a whole group of naked girls
*He lights his cigarette and walks into the class*

 As if he would even go to the dance with one girl- That was out of his characterOne girl?seriously?One?He needs a crowd of women to keep him entertained He smirks as his thoughts immediately become sexual, imagining a whole group of naked girls*H...

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As he walks in, He notices the big stage, the dim lights and numerous social rejects
"Im the best one here" he thinks to himself
He exhales the smoke into the air, making a few students turn heads and whisper to their friends

*The teacher sniffs and looks around the room in suspicion*
Mrs. Bee: "What's that smell?"
Bill smirks, he wonders who caused the weird smell in the theatre.. Maybe a student farted?
Mrs: Bee: "It smells like a fire!..."
The students start gossiping louder, wondering what the scent is about
Bill remains in the back of the room, oblivious about the school rules

Mrs. Bee gets out of her seat and runs to the fire alarm
*She presses a button and the theatre starts to ring in a high pitched unbearable tone*
Mrs. Bee: "Everyone outside!!"
*She quickly walks to the exit and into the field, next to the theatre, and the students follow*
"What is going on.." Bill thinks to himself as he takes another drag from his cig
He straggles behind the other students, being in the back

"It was you." A soft voice chirps from down below
Bill looks around, not noticing anyone, until he looks at the ground, seeing a small Angel below him
Bill: "It was me? What did I do, doll? Steal your heart?" he smirks
Sure he was supposed to sacrifice this Angel to Hell, but he had to enjoy his time! I mean, she was pretty cute
Angel: "No, you were the cause of the smell. You know you can't smoke in class, right?"

He rolls his eyes
It's not illegal, why wouldn't it be allowed?
Stupid girl
Bill: "You're just saying that because you're worried for my lungs. Thanks baby, but I'm fine, They'll still be strong enough to moan in your ear."
Angel looks horrified hearing that comment, a look of disgust appears on her face
Angel: "That's very disrespectful. And I'm going to tell Mrs. Bee so she doesn't think a real fire is going on.. Excuse me"
She quietly moves past him and he stares at her with curiosity
Was she a teacher's pet or something?
He wants to know more

*He grabs her small wrist*
Bill: "Wait"
Angel stays silent, but tilts her head, curious to what he has to say
Bill's eyes stare intently at the pretty girl, he starts to smile
Bill: "Don't tell the ugly teacher that I was the one who was smoking, alright?"
Angel: "But why would I do that? You threw some weird comments at me today."
Bill rolls his eyes again
Bill: "Stop being so sensitive cutie, just loosen up... I meant them as compliments."
Angel: "They aren't-"
He interrupts her
Bill: "Tell you what, if you don't tell the teacher it was me, I'll do you a favor"
Angel has a more accepting look in her eyes now, open to his suggestion
Angel: "What kind of favor?"

"Angel: "They aren't-"He interrupts herBill: "Tell you what, if you don't tell the teacher it was me, I'll do you a favor"Angel has a more accepting look in her eyes now, open to his suggestionAngel: "What kind of favor?"

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Bill's eyes grow wild with mischievousness
He gets closer to her and takes a hold of her hand, rubbing his thumb on it
Bill: "The kind of favor to make Devils cry.. Earth shattering, passionate love-making" he winks
Her eyes widen in disbelief
She feels incredibly insulted and takes her hand back

Without saying a word, she runs quickly towards Mrs. Bee's direction
Bill looks at her with utter confusion
"But I just made sex sound poetic and cute...?" he thinks
He can't fathom why she didn't buy his beautiful offer..
What else would a girl want from him??
How was he supposed to get this angel?!

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