Bruised Plums

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It was finally Saturday

The day of the dance

Bill was confident in his abilities to charm angel

He slips on a white button up top and examines himself in the mirror
Bill: "Im kinda hot.."

Bill was determined, excited, and a little nervous *He pulls out his phone*Bill: "Hello, are you open today?""Yes, we are, what can we do for you today?"Bill: "Are there any moonstone necklaces in stock?"

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Bill was determined, excited, and a little nervous
*He pulls out his phone*
Bill: "Hello, are you open today?"
"Yes, we are, what can we do for you today?"
Bill: "Are there any moonstone necklaces in stock?"
"One moment sir"
As the silence fills the air, Bill fidgets with his rings, staring at the ceiling
He decided he wanted to buy Angel a necklace, to warm up her heart
He thought it was the most brilliant plan ever
"Yes we have a few moonstone necklaces in stock"
Bill: "Okay I'll be there"
End call

Bill drove there, upset that he couldn't speed

Bill enters the jewelry store, it is well kept, clean and has a sense of luxury"My kind of place

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Bill enters the jewelry store, it is well kept, clean and has a sense of luxury
"My kind of place.." Bill thinks to himself
He looks around and notices many different gemstones
They were all so beautiful..
A few caught his eye, that being the red and black colored pieces
Red and black...
The colors that brought him back home

"Bill?" a voice calls
Bill slowly turns around
He looks down to see Raina Plum
Bill: "Hello Miss Plum"
She looks down and laughs to herself awkwardly
Bill: "I see you are in uniform? You work here?"
Raina: "My dad owns the place"
Bill: "Cute, then I won't be needing him.. Can you please help me?" He smiles
As he says this, he grabs her waist and brings her a bit closer to him
Bill: "I'm trying to find a moonstone necklace..."
Raina is completely freaking out from his touch and can barely function
Raina: "U-uh... Lets... see... this is the cheapest option"
Raina shuffles through her pockets, pulling out a key and opening one of the glass boxes

 this is the cheapest option"Raina shuffles through her pockets, pulling out a key and opening one of the glass boxes

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Bill looks at it, unimpressed...
He shrugs
Bill: "Honey, I'm not poor... Got anything less cheap?"

Bill nods Bill: "I like it, but do you have a less chunky version?"Raina nods and finds oneRaina: "Yea, these gems are more small

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Bill nods
Bill: "I like it, but do you have a less chunky version?"
Raina nods and finds one
Raina: "Yea, these gems are more small..."
She takes it and puts the necklace in the box, walking to the cash register
Raina: "Is this for yourself?"
Bill laughs... Himself? A dainty little moonstone necklace? Hell no.
Bill: "No.. If it was for me I'd get a few rings. The necklace is for Angel, the dance is today and I wanted to spoil her"
Raina widens her eyes.. She was surprised Bill would spoil her with such an expensive gift to 1 DANCE
Raina: "Thats.. um.. very generous of you"
Bill: "Mhm.. Aren't I the best?"
Raina giggles and looks down

*She finally hands Bill a bag and smiles*
Raina: "Okay, you're free to go now, she'll love it"
Bill gives her a nod, but doesn't leave just yet...
He needed more...

Bill: "Raina.. Are you going to the dance?"
Raina: "I can't... I got in trouble last week.. so..."
Bill smirks
Bill: "How sad... You'll miss out on so much.. I bet you would've been the most beautiful girl there"
Raina almost gasps to herself, but contains it, her contained gasp transforms into a tainted blush
Raina: "Aren't you going with Angel?!!... Why would you say that?.. Especially knowing that I'm her friend.."
Bill: "I can't have a little fun?" he rolls his eyes
She stays silent, looking down
Bill checks her out
Hmm... She'll probably feel good.. Way better than that old hag, Mrs. Bee

Bill: "You know what?.. We can have our own dance, follow me"
Bill takes her hand in his and she looks up at him, confused
He leads her toward the back, into the office, locking the door shut
Raina: "What are you doing?..."
Bill: "I wanna dance with you.." he whispers into her ear, tucking her hair behind her ear
Raina gulps
Raina: "Dance?.."
Bill: "Here..."
Without further notice, he looks deep into her eyes and grabs her waist, kissing her

Bill's Scrapbook Of Earth
"Miss Plum and I"

Bill reaches for a cigarette from his pocket as he leaves the store"Well that was fun" he shrugsRaina was now in the back of the store, beaten to death brutally, laying lifelessly to be noticed by her father"I wonder how he'll react

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Bill reaches for a cigarette from his pocket as he leaves the store
"Well that was fun" he shrugs
Raina was now in the back of the store, beaten to death brutally, laying lifelessly to be noticed by her father
"I wonder how he'll react... Probably terrified"
He smirks to himself
He had no remorse, the only regret he had was not killing Raina quicker (and not being able to clean the blood off his photo)

He hadn't had time for Raina, he didn't want to be late for the dance

ugh my dad...

BING DONG BONG ugh my dad

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Bill: "what..." he groans
Dad: "I have so much energy... You killed someone, haven't you?"
Bill: "Yes, Angel's friend"
Dad: "Does she have anymore friends? Some of her energy latched on to that girl, I feel stronger"
Bill: "Yeah, she has some ugly bitch friend named Alondra..."
Dad: "If not Angel, kill Alondra next"
End call.....


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