The Redemptive Sacrifice

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Mr. Brockovich reappeared on the screen with a tablet in his hands and glanced at Alf. His silver hair glinted in the holographic light, while his aged face crinkled in thought. "The thought plagued me as I fell asleep that night," his deep baritone voice said, "and in the middle of the night, an audible voice said, 'I did it for you.'"

The scientist set down the tablet, raised his arms, and gazed at them as if remembering how they had felt so long ago. "I woke with every inch of me covered in goosebumps and my heart pounding. In that moment, the Bible went from an odd story to a life-changing truth. And as I read on, I came to understand that, as Isaiah said a thousand years before, 'Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.'"

Mr. Brockovich looked up at Alf with tears in his eyes. "Jesus died for my sins, my atrocities, and my crimes against all mankind. He carried them all on that cross so he could save me. How could I reject such love? How could I say no to such an offer? I couldn't!" he said, wiping the tears away from his face. "So I accepted Jesus into my heart and made him my Lord and Savior."

The old gentleman leaned back on the table and rubbed his beard. "It's been a long, hard road as I've tried to make up for what I have done, but at last, with God's help, the Dragon Wars are coming to an end."

Suddenly, a mechanical voice said to his side, "Test sequence complete. Displaying test results."

The tablet on the table pinged again, and reaching behind him, Mr. Brockovich picked it up. His fingers flew across the surface as he continued to speak. "Most of the older dragons have admitted their sins, done their best to make amends, and retired from Dragon Isle. Even Eldrin himself has left. As a result, many of the younger ones have done the same. They've given up their land and gone off into eternal slumber. Only a few and their dragon kin remain. God has also greatly blessed me and my family with abundant wealth."

As the scientist read the last line, he smiled and sighed as if a great burden had been removed. Then determination filled his weathered face. "But last year, I learned that the great evil I created with my own two hands still lives," he said in a bitter tone. "And he still enslaves those I created."

Anger burned in Mr. Brockovich's eyes as he laid down his tablet, picked up the cloth, and walked to the middle of the room. "And Levi has committed great wickedness, far beyond even that of my own. Worse yet, I have learned this great evil is the true reason the Dragon Wars began. And now that the dragon's power is waning, he seeks to take their place and enslave all mankind."

Mr. Brockovich kneeled down and his hands disappeared as he fiddled with something in the floor. After a moment, his hands reemerged empty, and he stood to his feet. "This beast," he growled, "is undermining everything we have worked so hard for. As such, I have gathered as many of my friends, family, and even a few dragons to help me put an end to him."

The scientist hung his head, and the floor lit up as the mechanical voice said, "Vault secure. Waiting for DNA sequence." Mr. Brockovich kneeled once more, and with a heavy heart, whispered, "But I know in my heart we will fail. I don't know how I know, but I do. I have spent hours on my knees in prayer about this, and I now know there is only one way to stop the great evil I created. It will cost me my life," he said and placed his hand out of view. "And it will forever affect everyone in my family line, but it's the price that must be paid."

With those words, a light hiss sounded from the floor, and Mr. Brockovich winced in pain.

"DNA sequence accepted," the machine said. "Finalizing process."

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