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⚠️blood and injuries⚠️

(Wednesday's POV)

My legs hurt.
I've lost allot of blood and I was probably unconscious more than once.
I'm in no shape to walk, let alone run, and fight.
She needs to let me go.
I need to know she's safe and out of here.
If it takes my life, I'll risk it.
She's standing but she's not moving.
I can feel her tears drop down.
"You have to go if you want one of us to get out safe Sinclair. Please."
I can't see a thing.
I don't know what direction to send her, where we are, how big the room is, but there has to be a door.
She starts taking steps around.
"I-I don't care what you tell me. I'm going t-to get you out."
I can tell she's trying to be strong.
But I only see this ending one way.
I lie down and close my eyes.
I wait.
I can hear her steps walking around.
"I found a wall wens."
"Go along it till you find something like a door."
She continues walking.
"I found something made of metal."
"How big is it?"
"It's small. I think it's a button."
"Press it. We have nothing to lose here."
She presses the button and a very dim light flicks on near my face in the corner.
I look around.
The room isn't too big, and there's a metal door.
There's nothing in here except the light, and us.
Sinclair runs over and I look down on them.
They are covered in blood and have holes in them where the bullet went.
It looks more painful than it is.
She starts crying again and I look up at her.
She's panicking and her eyes are shooting all over the place.
"It's okay. I'm fine."
"You're very obviously not wens. What do i do. What do I do. What do I do."
She repeats herself allot.
I hold her hand.
"There's a door. Check if it has a lock."
She stares at me but follows my words, and stands up.
"It does."
"Do you know how to open a lock with the knife?"
She looks back at me.
"Then do it."
She hesitates.
She holds the knife just centimeters away from the lock.
Then she stops and walks back to me.
"Wens I don't want to do this."
"You have to. I need to see you get out here alive."
"I'd rather die with you than live without you."
"You still have your whole life Sinclair. I'm just a tiny fraction. Please go. Please."
I can feel a tear running down my cheek.
She puts her hand to my cheek and kneels down.
She's crying and she leans in to my face and kisses me.
It's a sad kiss.
Her tears roll down my face.
When she pulls away she gets up without looking at me.
She goes to the door and she opens it.
You can see a long corridor outside.
She looks back for a split second.
And then she runs.
Out the door.
She did it.
She made it.
She's going to live.
I close my eyes and pass out again.

(Enids POV)

I run.
Away from her.
Away from my life with her.
I cry and the tears fall to the floor as my feet move faster than they have ever moved.
Everything is blurry.
I see sunlight at the end of the corridor.
It's the sunlight of the morning.
When I run outside the light hits my eyes and I am blinded.
Birds are chirping and the grass is green under my feet.
It's like everything is fine.
I keep running.
We're in the forest near our school.
I keep running.
Today I would have gone on a picnic date with wens.
I keep running.
I would have woken up next to her.
I keep running.
I never will.
I keep running.
I run until I'm back at nevermore.
I run up the stairs.
I run into mine and wens dorm.
I run into my dorm.
I stop running and stand.
My clothes are dirty but I'm still wearing the boots and jacket that I put on.
That night where I thought I was strong enough to find and face Tyler and his stupid servants.
Where I had no idea what I could actually loose.
I start crying.
Then I scream.
I fall down to the floor.
I roll up into a ball and I sit, endless tears rolling down my face.

**yall should I continue this?????**

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: 2 days ago ⏰

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