Chapter 16

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My right leg pulsated with stabbing pain, originating from the spot on my thigh where the dart hit me and spreading from there. The intense throbbing went down to my calf muscle, but also pushed up my hip, toward my stomach. I imagined a silver spiderweb with sickened veins becoming visible beneath my skin, but I couldn't see it since I wore jeans. I wanted to raise my black T-shirt to see what it looked like, but I couldn't muster the strength to move my arms. The silver dust had drained my body to the point it was almost like being paralyzed, although I could move my head and neck.

I lifted my gaze to see the werewolves prowling back and forth, snarling and growling. Behind the savage beasts, Elijah, Casper, and Ryan bared their fangs, intending to intimidate us like we were in some sort of sick freak show. And then there was the coach. Coach Steele had yet to transform into anything, but by his admission, he was a werewolf. I assumed Principal McCord was using him as a mouthpiece to do his bidding.

A projectile whizzed by overhead, coming from Agent Smith's position on the cliff. The sharpened point of a dart sank into Casper's neck. As his hands thrusted up to feel for what had hit him, he lost his balance and collapsed, writhing in pain. He had barely hit the ground when another dart pegged Ryan and dropped him too, but Elijah took cover behind Layla and Blake, using them as shields.

Coach Steele followed Elijah's example and hid behind Layla and Blake. He pointed at Koby and Jacob, still in their werewolf forms. "Find the shooter. Bring whoever it is to me, but don't kill unless you want this life forever."

"Principal McCord, the huge black and gold werewolf, howled like something awful, straight out of a horror movie. I figured his condition was permanent, since they had used his blood as half of the formula for the coach's pills. He must have made his first kill a long time ago, but fortunately, he was standing guard instead of hunting down Agent Smith. His command must have confirmed the coach's order because the pair of wolves, one lighter gray and the other darker, leaped into action, racing across the narrow ridge, crisscrossing each other like their adrenaline levels had spiked at an all-time high.

In mere seconds, they would reach Agent Smith's position.

It was all I could do to crane my neck to see the light and dark wraiths thundering toward their prey. I anticipated the moment when the wolves would reach Smith, but then there was a yelp, followed by a tortured cry, and after that, I glimpsed the creatures tumbling end over end and coming to a halt. Then nothing.

Coach Steele nodded. "Elijah, go get whoever that is and try to be more discreet than Koby and Jacob. At least occupy them so we can take care of business here."

In a blur, Elijah tore out across the ridge, leaving Casper and Ryan immobilized or unconscious at the feet of Layla and Blake.

With Elijah on his mission, the shooting stopped. I assumed Agent Smith was repositioning himself to keep from getting caught or killed. Coach Steele came out into the open, not feeling the need to use Layla and Blake as human shields anymore.

"Evan," Layla said. "Are you okay? Why would they shoot you with that silver dust stuff?"

"Man." Blake stared at me with wide eyes. "I figured you had taken the coach's pills, but I never imagined you'd have that much strength and speed." He blinked. "You need to get up and help us. This is some insane mess. Are you a freaking werewolf, too?"

"Shut up!" Coach Steele said. "Mr. Mack is in a world of hurt right now. He can't help you. As a matter of fact, he needs to use what strength he has left to make up his mind what he wants to do?"

"Leave them alone," I said. "They didn't deserve to be brought into this."

"That's where you're wrong. Your girlfriend has seen too much and so has your best friend."

Small Town Hero - #ONC 2024Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu