Chapter Thirteen: The Chase Begins

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As the first hints of dawn painted the sky, Iñigo's abrupt awakening was far from peaceful. A severe kick to his side jolted him into consciousness, a wave of pain sweeping over him. Blinking through the discomfort, he found Liana was gone, replaced by a group of men and a vehicle, their actions frantic as they searched the campsite for the Immortal Device. Confusion and a sense of betrayal churned within him-how had they been discovered, and why had Liana left him behind?

Surveying the scene, Iñigo's eyes landed on a creature, eerily similar to the one they had defeated the night before, now allied with the intruders. Attempting to fight was futile; his hands were bound, rendering him powerless and unable to call upon his newfound abilities. Despite the men's thorough search, the device remained hidden, thanks to Iñigo's foresight to stash it in the trees. A laugh escaped him, "Dumb," he muttered, pride swelling in his cleverness.

His amusement did not sit well with his captors. "Is it legal to hit a minor?" Iñigo taunted with a bloodied smile, earning him another blow to the face. The violence escalated, with each hit intensifying the pain and blood that Iñigo could taste.

Then, from the vehicle, emerged a figure that commanded attention-Commander John. His presence was imposing, and the men around him snapped to attention, saluting. John approached Iñigo, lifting him by the collar, an act that filled Iñigo with a blend of pain and fear. "What the hell?" Iñigo managed, struggling for composure.

"Where's the device? And where's the other one?" John's voice boomed, demanding answers. Iñigo's attempt to respond was cut short by a brutal punch to the stomach, forcing him to gasp for air.

In the midst of his agony, John, noticed a sparkle at the top of the tree and tossed Iñigo aside, ordering his men, "Get him in the vehicle and search the place. The other one is still probably here."

"No!" Iñigo muttered to himself, as John was now approaching the device's location.

As two guards dragged Iñigo towards the vehicle, his situation seemed dire-until a sudden intervention changed the course of events.

Two icy projectiles struck the guards, freeing Iñigo with a crash to the ground. Weak and dazed, he looked up to see Liana, standing defiantly, a noticeable change in her demeanor. When two of the men opened fire, Liana swiftly conjured a massive wall of ice, deflecting the bullets with ease.

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However, her triumph was short-lived as John, with surprising speed, appeared before her, shattering her icy barrier with inhuman strength.

"So you've already had your second awakening, huh?" John sneered, gripping Liana's arms tightly. Despite her struggles, Liana could not break free, her pain evident as she screamed.

Liana cries out in agony, "No!" as John tightens his grip on her arms."

Enjoying her distress, John remarked, "I always like to hear that. All of you in pain is my music." But in that moment of distraction, Bounded Iñigo, mustering all the strength left in his body and fueled by desperation, gets his hands free from being tied by burning it. He then unleashed a burst of flame, singeing John's back.

"Go!" Iñigo yelled, seizing the moment. Though Iñigo's flames weren't that strong, it bought them time to distract him. Liana, seizing the opportunity, transformed her hand into an icy blade, slicing through John's arm - freeing herself. Dashing and grabbing Iñigo, she created a path of ice beneath her feet, gliding away from the chaos.

"Wait, the device!" Iñigo's voice was weak, his strength waning. As he pointed the device out, up in the tree, which served as their campsite for a while.

"Don't worry," Liana reassured him with a confident wink, revealing the device tucked safely in her pocket.

"Aahhh!" John shouted in anger, as he was tricked by both the guardians.

Their brief moment of hope was shattered by the unexpected sound of a piercing whistle, which they also heard from the night before. The creature, who is previously still, now charged after them with a renewed vigor. Despite Liana's evident exhaustion, she managed one last assurance to Iñigo, "Don't worry. I found another one." Confused and overwhelmed, Iñigo could do nothing but succumb to his injuries, collapsing into Liana's arms as the world around him faded to black.

Behind them, the creature gained ground, its massive form a looming threat in the early morning light. Liana pushed on, her energy depleting with every step, as the relentless pursuit continued. The air was filled with the tension of the chase, the outcome uncertain.

Just as they seemed to reach a momentary safe distance, a new obstacle appeared on the horizon. Another vehicle, this one equipped with unknown figures, blocked their path. Liana, with Iñigo still in her arms, skidded to a stop, her gaze flicking between the approaching creature and the new adversaries. The chapter ends with them trapped, facing threats on both sides, their fate hanging in the balance. Will the guardians finally be captured, and will the Immortal Device end up in the hands of their enemies?

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