☠︎︎🩺 four

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***^ Elio's picture

"You actually came?"

I stood at the door, looking down at Elio as he looked around me warily.

Before I knew it, I was being yanked into the room so fast. The door already closed shut with no sound. I now almost questioned if it was ever even open-.

"Were you followed?"


"Did you tell them this was going to happen?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Are you actually as different as I think you are?"

I don't answer, seeing Elio wait for me to answer.

"I don't know what you mean when you say that, but...I hope so." Is all I think I can say to words like that.

From that alone a bright smile came to his lips.

"Just what I thought." He rushes to draw the curtains, smiling ear-to-ear until he stood right before me. "You are different."

His smile was kind of contagious as I actively found myself trying not to smile back.

Now that I was really looking at him, he was a redhead with no freckles. He was pretty in the face...a little shorter than Aleksandr, but not by too much. His eyes were even a lighter shade of red than the both of theirs.

His looked more...I don't know.

"Usually when Lucifer's pets come in here, they are always either very pretty or undeniably handsome. They don't bring home ugly pets. It's no surprise that Aleksandr took a liking to you, or whatever he took to you. I just wanted to take you into here and warn you...because I like you." He nods calmly, clearing his throat as he nods over to the right of us.

I saw hundreds and hundreds of names written on the wall. They were all in the same hand-writing and that told me enough about...what this possibly meant.

"You are seen just the same as every other pet they had." Elio informs me, and I look back down at him. "A game, you are a toy - a pawn."

"Why? What is their motive for this in the first place?"

"I actually...don't know," Elio fanes ignorance, but when he saw I wasn't believing that he cracks, "Do you remember what I told you about those blood bondages?"

I nod, seeing him nod for me to think more inside the lines towards that fact. Except that was far too broad of a guess. I had no idea what it could possibly mean.

"Usually, in a blood bondage, both people need to have the mark. There are instances...where only one person can have that mark, like Lucifer. In all honesty, I don't think Aleksandr really cares to be in that bondage. He did give himself entirely to Lucifer, and Lucifer did the same thing. Except Lucifer gave him his heart, body, mind, and soul. While Aleksandr either gave him everything but one of those things, or maybe only one. Because of that, the bondage can begin to feel stifling and most of the time, the one with the mark may kill the one without it. You know...out of heartbreak because the other may one day want to leave." Elio explains, and I still wasn't sure what to say to that.

I could tell he waited for me to ask a question and when I didn't, he clearly liked that too.

"So what I think is that Aleksandr is bored, but he would never leave Lucifer. Lucifer cherishes the ground he walks on and it's an easy life. To keep him from leaving, he would flirt with all of Lucifer's pets just to get a reaction out of him besides love and cherishing. When the pet would come to fall in love with Aleksandr, he'd kill them. Why? Because that poses as a risk for him losing Aleksandr, but Aleksandr doesn't really love them. He's toying with them so that he can get that reaction and it gives him more reason to stay-."

In His Taste | MxMحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن