Chapter 3

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I woke with a start as sunlight seeped through the sheet I'd pulled over my head. Fearing I might have drooled in my sleep, I hastily adjusted the blanket to ensure I was hidden. The chill in the air prompted me to burrow deeper, my curiosity piqued about Kian's whereabouts. Had he managed to sneak out without waking me? And where was the pull-out bed? Cautiously, I lifted a corner of the blanket, peering out from beneath it. If Kian was still asleep, I didn't want to disturb him. I couldn't shake the feeling of awkwardness about having slept in his bed as a stranger. But to my surprise, the room was empty. No sign of Kian, no sign of the makeshift bed. How early did he wake up? I pondered, feeling a pang of embarrassment for being such a heavy sleeper. Unsure of what to do, I settled back onto my back, pulling the blanket snugly around me. Waiting seemed like the safest option. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, my mind spinning with thoughts of what could be happening downstairs. Was Kian busy with chores? Had he forgotten about me altogether? Attempting to ease my nerves, I turned onto my side, facing the wall. I needed to gather the courage to face whatever awaited me downstairs. Just as I mustered the resolve to sit up, the sound of a door opening shattered the silence, followed by the familiar thud of footsteps on the stairs. Heart pounding, I feigned sleep, pulling the blanket over my face in a feeble attempt to conceal myself. Why was I doing this? I couldn't quite answer that question, but it felt like the safest course of action.The footsteps ceased, leaving only an eerie silence in their wake. Was Kian tiptoeing around so as not to disturb me? My breath caught in my throat as I strained to listen for any sign of movement. Should I dare to peek out from under the blanket? The temptation was strong, but I hesitated, uncertain if Kian would notice my furtive actions.

"Hey, Kian!" A jovial voice echoed through the room, deliberately loud. There was a certain allure to the voice, smooth and captivating, reminiscent of a well-known singer whose name escaped me at the moment. "Still catching up on those Z's? What's the hold-up?"

Before I could even register the intrusion, a weight crashed down on top of me, stealing the air from my lungs. Legs tangled with mine, a body settled over me, and hands pinned my wrists under the blanket. I let out a stifled grunt, struggling against the unexpected assault, but the hold was firm, leaving me trapped beneath the covers, unable to break free.

"Are you planning on joining the land of the living anytime soon?" The voice teased, its baritone laced with amusement. "The world's moving forward, and you're stuck in snooze mode."

"Vincent?" Kian's voice sounded from across the room, surprising me with his sudden presence.

The weight on top of me froze, and the hands released their grip on my wrists. With a swift motion, the blanket was yanked away, flooding the room with harsh light and leaving me blinking in confusion and discomfort.

"Who..." Vincent never finished his statement. His mouth hung open. His brown eyes were wide, big and it was the first time I'd ever thought the term "fire in his eyes" ever actually fit a face. Theintensity would have made me blush in any normal situation but as I was in a bed and he had just landed on me, I was glowing with heat. His head flinched back in confusion and I was just as dumbstruck. His body was slighter than Kian's and he looked like he was the same age we were. His hair was a softer brown, reaching to the nape of his neck in gentle waves, brushed back away from his eyes.

"Vincent, this is Ocean." Vincent blinked at me repeatedly. 

"Uh..." He moved off the bed and stood up. He donned a pristine white shirt, its sleeves neatly rolled up to his elbows, hinting at the hint of his collarbone peeking through. His choice of attire, sleek black trousers, added a touch of formality to his ensemble. Despite the unexpected elegance, he seemed entirely at ease, as though these garments were his second skin, worn with habitual ease. His countenance boasted angular features, lending a certain sharpness to his appearance. His slender hips and elongated fingers set him apart, distinct from the broader silhouette of Kian.

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