Chapter 4

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Vincent navigated Brightfield Court with practiced ease, the sleek lines of the neighborhood blurring past as we ventured onto the highway. As the familiar landmarks faded into the distance, I couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration mingled with apprehension. Here I was, breaking not one, but two cardinal rules – venturing into the unknown with strangers and willingly surrendering to the thrill of being lost.

Lost in my own thoughts, I hadn't paid much attention to the conversation unfolding between Vincent and Kian until Kian's voice cut through the hum of the engine.

"Is he picking up?" Kian's fingers danced across the screen of his cellphone, one hand pressed against his ear as he leaned forward, his gaze fixed on the road ahead. "We're almost there," he announced, his tone tinged with anticipation.

Curiosity piqued, I turned to Vincent, eager for answers. "Who are we meeting?" I inquired, my pulse quickening with a heady mix of excitement and apprehension.

Vincent's lips curled into a mischievous grin, his eyes alight with a playful gleam. "An ax murderer," he quipped, the hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "But don't worry, we'll have you back in time for dinner." His teasing tone belied the genuine warmth in his gaze, and for a moment, I couldn't help but revel in the thrill of being swept up in their adventure.

 "Will you please buckle in? It's bad enough we kidnapped you." I couldn't suppress a smile at his remark, the absurdity of the situation washing over me in waves. These guys were kidnappers with a sense of humor, apparently. But beneath the jest, I sensed a genuine camaraderie—an unspoken bond that transcended the boundaries of our impromptu adventure.

Embracing the thrill of the moment, I reached for the seatbelt and fastened it securely, the reassuring click echoing in the confines of the car. Vincent's fingers danced over the radio, his attention divided between the task at hand and the road stretching out before us. 

As Vincent scanned through radio stations, Kian's commentary on the music selection filled the car, a subtle undercurrent of tension lacing his words. "Rock's good," he remarked as a familiar riff blared from the speakers, only to be disregarded by Vincent, who flicked to another channel without a second thought. "This one's fine too," Kian added, his tone betraying a hint of unease that I couldn't quite place.

As Vincent's fingers danced across the dial, his focus split between the road ahead and the ever-changing soundtrack, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Was Kian simply a music aficionado, or was his anxiety a sign of something more?

Vincent's brow furrowed in frustration as he continued to search for the perfect melody, his determination unwavering despite the mounting tension in the car. Finally, he settled on a station playing an orchestral piece, the rapid tempo of the violin filling the car with an unexpected intensity.

"Will this put you to sleep?" Vincent's voice broke through the music, his gaze flickering to me with a hint of uncertainty.

A smile tugged at my lips as I recognized the familiar strains of Vivaldi. "I love Vivaldi," I admitted, eliciting a surprised reaction from Vincent, whose momentary lapse of control nearly sent us veering off the road.

"What did you say?" His eyes widened in disbelief, his grip on the steering wheel momentarily faltering before he regained his composure.

"I said I like Vivaldi," I repeated, gesturing towards the radio as "Summer" filled the car with its haunting melody. "But 'Winter' is my favorite."

Vincent's lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of intrigue and amusement as he exchanged a knowing glance with Kian. In that moment, I realized that their shared language extended beyond words – it was a silent understanding, a bond forged through shared experiences and unspoken truths.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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