Baking mess

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 'The House of Wind, the place where I usually stay at, has a giant kitchen. It has a big window, giving you a perfect view of the mountains covered in deep snow. It's usually empty though, I think Az is the only one who uses it.' Cassian told her as he moved around the small kitchen, following her instructions like a good soldier while trying not to knock everything over with his bat like wings.

  Rayna stopped her movements for a moment, a wooden spoon in one of her hands and a giant mixing bowl in the other. Both of their clothes were covered in flour by that point, after Cassian had broken two bags with the pointy tips of his wings by accident. Rayna had laughed while he muttered apology after apology, promising to get her new ones.

  'Azriel likes to cook?' She asked like she genuinely wanted to know, as if it was important to her if the cold spymaster liked to cook or not.

  Cassian didn't notice the tone in her voice. He was too lost in his description of his home in Velaris. Without revealing any dangerous details, he had told her about the giant living room and the view of sunsets from the roof of the house. He didn't know why but opening up to her felt easy, almost natural.

  'He loves it, he says it helps him relax, keeps his mind off stuff.'

 He moved away from the cupboard, a look of triumph on his face.

  'That is the salt, Cassian, not the sugar.'

 Rayna slapped his hand away just as he was about to pour the wrong ingredient into the mixing bowl. She stole a glance at  him, from the corner of her eye. She could have sworn there was an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. 

   'I knew that, of course.'

 Rayna rolled her eyes, moving her head as she tried to get a piece of hair, that fell out of her complicated looking braid, away from her face. Her hands were currently covered in flour and dough so she couldn't use them. She tried to carry on, but the mother damned strand kept getting in her way. The human stole another glance at Cassian, a conflicted look on her face.

   'Could you...' She sighed in defeat.

 The male tilted his head to the side in confusion for a moment. He was coming back from searching the cupboard, the right ingredient in hand this time. His eyes flared, realizing what she meant.

  'Yeah, of course.' He offered a small smile as he closed the distance between them. 

She had to tilt her back, not realizing until then how tall he really was. Rayna studied his eyes, they were more gold than brown, like starring directly into the sun. There was so much emotion in them, all the time. She didn't think she had ever meet anyone with such expressive eyes before. With the cold guarded gaze, everyone around her carried, it was refreshing, this pure honesty.

  Cassian looked down at the mortal, like that, starring up at him with those almost unnatural looking green eyes...his mind, without his consent went to very dark places that pictured her looking up at him in that same exact manner but in a very different context. He pushed such foolish thoughts out of his head, but not before stealing a quick glance at her full lips.
 He slowly reached his hand out, brushing it gently against her soft skin as he reached for the rebellious piece of hair.

 Suddenly, a loud noise filled the room, a blade hitting the marble floor. Cassian and Rayna jumped away from each other, the male putting himself between the noise and her, in case he needed to lap into action.

  'Sorry, it fell.' Azriel apologized from the doorway, not looking sorry at all.

 He leaned down and picked up his dagger, placing it back in its holder. He then looked up at the two, eyes first being drawn to Rayna. Azriel had to keep a smile from appearing on his lips. She was covered in flour and her hair was a mess, it made her look less scary or unapproachable. Instead, it made her seem domestic and adorable in his opinion. Part of her cheek was covered in the white powder also and his hands almost reached out without his consent to brush it off. Damn him, he just wanted to cross the kitchen and brush it off...or lick it off. He gritted his teeth at the recent image of his brother in arms touching her face. 

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