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I sleep the day away again. I have nothing to do anyway. I get up and go downstairs, about to get a drink when my mum steps in front of me.

'Why the fuck aren't you at school?' She yells at me

'I wasn't feeling up to it, mum' I plead

She shakes her head and mutters

'Pathetic, hasn't finished her sulk yet.'

Fuck my life. I would've thought the most supporting and sympathetic person would be my own mother, I guess not. I listen out for her car door to slam and the engine revs as she pulls out of the driveway. I trod back up and get into my bed. A daily ritual. I sip my cup of water as my phone comes on in my hand. Messages flood through, most from Bella. 

At the same time, my phone rings.

Fugly cow💩 end or accept

I hit accept and put my phone up to my ear.

B: Hi sugar, how are you?

L: Hey Bells. Im okay. Hows school?

B: Boring as fuck without you. What's been happening in the Rimble household.

L: Nothing. I've sat in bed. The whole day.

B: Ughhh I miss your face. 

I give her a tiny laugh and sigh deeply.

B: Your woman keeps asking how you are

I can hear her grinning through the phone.

L: She has?

B: I like how you know who I'm talking about...

This made me smile. I hear the bell go off in the background and Bella whispers into the phone.

B: I gotta go. See you soon? 

L: Yeah, Bells. Love ya

She repeats it back and we hang up, I'm genuinely smiling for the first time since Friday. 

She was asking about me?

I get in my bed all cosy and warm to resume my TV streak, my phone gone silent now. 

I sit for hours until I feel my eyes close and I fall asleep. I sleep until 10PM the same day. I check my phone quickly to see my mum messaging me about food in the fridge for me. She's gone out. I walk down the stairs feeling a big chilly. Shivering, I pull the fridge door open and spot the remains of a pasta dish she must've cooked. I stick it in the microwave for a minute and then transfer it into a bowl. My first mouthful burns the roof of my mouth and I stick my head under the tap, filling my mouth with ice cold water. The rest of the meal is okay, I'm happy I made myself eat it. No point hurting myself even more. 

After eating, I linger downstairs for a bit, rummaging through the drawers seeing what I could find. My old tablet is at the bottom of one drawer, which gives me something to entertain myself with. I pull it out and search for the charger. Finding it, I run up to my room and plug it into my extension. The screen lights up about 10 minutes after I'd plugged it in and I start scrolling. The password is of course Bella's birthday. The picture on the background is me and Bella hugging her old hamster, which her brother stood on...

I click on the photos app and I already feel teary eyed. The camera roll is full of pictures from our youth, our trendy 2013 jeans and tie-dye t-shirts. The old apps on here keep me entertained, as I click on my old favourite, Musically. The old sounds flood my ears and nostalgia hits. I see familiar faces and I click onto my own account, seeing all the cringe-full videos me and Bella used to make. This keeps me entertained for a while, all the games I used to play, the silly pictures me and Bels used to take. Eventually I scroll through every part of the little device and due to it's age, it's burning hot. I slip it under my bed after turning it off and feel a wave of tiredness hit me. I lean back onto my pillow and fall asleep almost right away.

Yes, Miss?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora