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She lifts her head and looks at me open mouthed, ready to speak.

The words don't come out and she chokes on her inhale. I pull her closer into my chest and let her tears flow through the materials covering my body. I feel her pain fall into my arms as she trembles, the room is filled with the sound of her sobs. I hate this. All I want to do is take her pain from her, I would put it on myself if I could.

Her tears slow and she looks up at me, her eyes so full of despair that I feel myself falling into an upset state. A singular tear runs down my own cheek falls onto hers. She shuffles around and makes herself comfortable on my lap, still looking at me. Once she's settled, the tears and pain seem to stop. I still run a hand over her hair and stroke her back gently.

When she can finally get her words out, she starts to speak.

'You're here?'

'I'm here baby, it's me'

She lets a tear fall down her face and I catch it with my thumb. 

'How did you get here? Why are you here, you saved me' She stumbles over her words, full of confusion

'You left your phone on my bed, Mels, I also remembered the route to your house, I thought I'd surprise you.'

Her face lightens and a small smile plays on her lips. 

'Thank you. My hero'

I just laugh and nod.

'Did he hurt you?' I raise an eyebrow.

'No. He punched the glass cabinet above me. He scared me into the corner and then hit it. He's convinced I cheated on him. I didn't Lily I swear I would never do that to anyone I'm a good person I waited until we were done.' The blonde sobs into her hands with desperation.

'Hey hey hey it's okay, I believe you. Waited until you were done? What does that mean.' 

She shifts her body towards me and her eyes are glassy.

'I went out the evening he broke it off with me, I went to a bar, Roses.'

She sees the smile I try to hide as she mentions the club I know so well.

'Yes, Lily, the gay bar, quit giggling. Let me finish!' She was stern, teacher mode activated.

I nudge her to finish her story.

'So I went to the bar, a lonely woman in a gay bar really attracts attention apparently. I had women buying me drinks left right and centre. I unfortunately had to decline the majority, until a certain brunette walks up and sits down next to me. She didn't offer to buy me a drink, she spoke to me. She asked me why I was alone. I told her everything. She told me everything. Her girlfriend had just broken up with her too. Next thing you know we were at her apartment our clothes strewn across the floor exploring each others bodies without exploring the madness in our heads first.'

I internally screamed.

'She texted me the next morning that her and her ex had gotten back together.' Melissa didn't look upset.

'So you didn't care that she got back with her ex?' I ask

'Nope, it was just rebound sex, and my god it was g-'

I cut her off with a pillow to her face.

'Enough.' I fake suffocate her.

She laughs through the pillow and eventually throws it away.

'I have a thing for masc brunettes' She subtly throws in.

Hey...that's me I'm a masc brunette.

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