Chapter 2

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« Papa look I put on my shoes! »  M/n exclaimed, showing him shoes.

« Good boy ! » The father said, patting his head. « Now come. »

Both of them went to the car. After sitting inside, a long ride began.

In the main car, there were the Boss, M/n and the driver. Around their car, multiple other car were there. They were full of bodyguards. It looked like the typical Mafia gathering. All the black cars with tinted windows, the bodyguards and the little family of two wearing dark clothes. Yes indeed, they were a Mafia family.

Despite knowing that his father was in the Mafia, M/n did not care about it. All he wanted was his father's love, support and care.

After the long ride, they finally arrived. They were in front of a... mansion ?

Yes they were in fact in front of a mansion, near the forest. The habitation was in a dark-themed aesthetic just like their home. Bodyguards all around the house.

« Papa, why are we here ? » M/n questioned, tilting his head to the side. His grip on his father's hand tightened. He was a little scared.

« We're here to see your uncle Yohan. »

The little boy eyes widened. He did not know for how long he hasn't seen him.

In fact he only remembered to have seen him once : when it was his third birthday. Since back then, his memory was blurred.

« Yo Hiro, long time no see ! » A sudden voice exclaimed.

They both turned around and saw a man, around the same age as Hiro, approaching them.

« Oh so you were actually here ? » Hiro said, acting surprised. « I thought you would not be here like the last time. »

« Hey don't say that ! »  He said, offended by his supposed best friend. « Last time I had things to do. »

« Well forget about that, and is that the little champ you were talking about ? » He said, turning his attention from the father to the young boy.

« Aww he looks so cute, just like you ! » His eyes shined as he pinched M/n squishy cheeks.

M/n brows furrowed. He did not like someone squishing his cheeks so he naturally said.

« Papa are you sure it's him, for me he looks like a mentally unstable person »

Hiro chocked his drink. He wanted to laugh so hard. His son just said something bad in a such innocent tone. His son was indeed a little devil in a innocent kid body.

On the other hand, Yohan was offended and embarrassed. He quickly took his hands back from the boy's cheeks.

« Well well I didn't know that you raised him to be a sassy person like you ? »

« Yeah, well he's not completely wrong neither. » He answered casually.

« ... »

« So you're not inviting us in you humble domain ? » He asked, raising a brow.

« And since when do you ask permission to enter ? »

« Ever since I have manners, unlike you. »

Meanwhile, M/n kept looking between the grown men. They were looking like an old couple fighting.

« Papa, uncle can you both stop flirting. » He said yawning. « My feet and neck are hurting by standing there looking at you.»

Hiro and Yohan eyes widened. Their cheeks lightly dusted with a blush. They averted their eyes and looked at the boy.

« Yeah come on. » Hiro picked up M/n, put him on his shoulders and entered in the house.

The inside was in the same aesthetic as the outside. They both went to sit in very confortable sofa. Hiro took M/n off from his shoulders and sat him on the sofa. The boy sat calmly on the sofa, playing with his father's veiny tattooed hand.

During the majority of the conversation, he zoned out.

They talked about Mafia business, attack, strategies...

After some hours of speaking business...

« You raised M/n so well. » Yohan said in a dreamy voice. He sounded like a girl who finally talked to her crush and explain what happened there to her friends.

« Of course I raised him well, what did you think about me that I was a negligent man ? »

« Of course not. »

« Why are you getting defensive ? » Yohan chuckled nervously.

Hiro stood up. He was about to call his son when he heard light snores. He turned and saw his son sleeping like a baby.

His gaze softened. His son was truly an angel send from heaven.

He picked him up and went to the car. The driver opened the door.

« Where do you want to go sir ? »

« Home. »

« As your wish sir. »

He bowed and drove away.


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