Chapter 11

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Abhimaan's POV

It has been 1 month since since I last saw her. 130 hours. 43,200 minutes. There is not a second in which I didn't miss her. I can't do anything but wait for her I just want to meet her, stay with her and feel her presence. A knock on my office door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in."I said.

"Sir, there is a problem." Raghav said.

"What?" I asked him.

"Sir Mr. Rajvansh is saying that he sent someone to give is the deal papers by today."

"Ok, this is not a problem." I said.

"Actually sir, the deal with Mehra's is cancelled." He said trying his best to hide his tensed tone.

"Why?" I growled.

"Sir actually our competitors stole our idea and projected it with some changes." He said getting more tensed.

I felt rage at this moment. I found the nearest thing to me and threw it. Raghav got out of the my office scared for his life.

Author's POV

Ishika was on her way to Singhania Empire's main building. She was coming to Mumbai cause of an event when Aaditya got to know that he gave the file to Ishika because it was a confidential and told her to give it to Abhimaan.

Ishika was low-key excited to see Abhimaan after a month.


When Ishika came in front of Abhimaan's office she saw people standing there while forming a crowd. When she asked Raghav about what happened. He told her about what happened about the deal.

"So you left him alone in his cabin knowing that he may get hurt are you dumb!" Ishika asked but her voice raised at the end.

When she went towards Abhimaan's cabin. People asked her to stop but she didn't listen. When she opened the door she heard a loud crash.

Ishika's POV

As I opened the door I heard a loud crash, shattered glass everywhere. A thud was heard in the cabin the door of his cabin closed.

When I saw him, my heart dropped to my stomach. He was standing there with glass in his hands, his hands bleeding, his dishelved hair on his beautiful face, his eyes were red. He started coming towards me and touched my shoulder while I stood there in shock before I could comprehend that what was happening he hugged me tightly like I would vanish if he left me. He nuzzled his face in my neck.

After 5 minutes he left me. I took a hold of his hand, took him to the couch and made him sit there. While I tried to find first aid box.

"Second drawer to your left." He said.

I took the kit and started treating his wounds.

"Why?" I asked him.

"I lost a deal." He told.

"So that is the reason you hurt yourself?" I asked calmly.

"It was important." He told me like he is a kid that got caught by his mother while stealing candy I smiled a bit.

"More than you?"

"Yes, no one cares about me. So yes the deal was important." He said.

"I do." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"I care about you. you matter to me. I don't care about others neither should you." I confessed silently.

Hello mere Chaand sitaaro 🌙✨,

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