Chapter 18.3: Perrin Slate

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Dad surges to his feet to block the sudden onrush of the Wonder Twins as Shirley comes at me with the butt of her snub nose. Unfortunately for her, I'm frothing for a melee matchup and oh goody, here comes three for the price of one. Simultaneously broadcast for my viewing pleasure in stereo surround sound.

On the East Side: Reed Slate VS Broderick, Gregory, Hawknose, Lady Tuxedo, Frances and Julian.

On the West Side: Perrin Slate VS Shirley, Creepy Pants and the Four Frat Bros of the Apocalypse.

And in the middle ring, the prizefight of the evening: Ace Slate VS Naberius.

Ding ding ding, motherfuckers.

Cramming my fingers into the opening of the napkin dispenser, I knock the pistol from Shirley's grip before repeatedly bashing my homemade brass knuckles into her skull. Blood streaks the crimpled surface each time I pull away until she finally drops like the sack of shit she is.

A frat bro rocking frosted tips tries to take her place but with a perfectly chambered side kick, courtesy of one Mr. Han, I plant my boot straight into his sternum, thrusting him back. He goes, "Nngh!", curling in on himself and I check my six to see Creepy Pants pointing his Baretta at Ace. Big mistake, sir. Huge!

Aiming for his pervy face, I lob the dispenser like a fastball so that it crunches when it bounces off his forehead. He jerks and drops the gun to clutch at the already bruising lump just as Tips straightens to bumrush me. I swivel and, going low, hook him round his leg to flip him up and over my shoulder. His own momentum sends him flying into Creepy Pants where they tumble to the ground in a tangle of limbs and cursing. Then I smash a plate over his skull just for giggles.

Dad, meanwhile, has cordoned off his side with sheer bulk alone and, when I spare him a glance, he's gotten one large forearm round Broderick's neck and has captured his flailing, .9mm wielding hand. Forcefully aiming it at the man's leg, he slips his own finger over the trigger and with a concussive BOOM, pops him in the kneecap with a spray of red.

Broderick collapses, howling up a storm, as my father shoves him away to dodge the vengeful attack from his twin. But Dad's not just big, he's also fast, and Gregory's barrage finds only air until my father slides to the side to catch his outstretched fist and rams his knuckles up into the elbow with a nauseating crack. Jagged bone punctures the flimsy windbreaker and blood geysers from the compound fracture, speckling my father's face as Greg screams and stares at his unnaturally bent elbow. But the animalistic bray is silenced when Dad grabs the back of his head to slam it into the countertop, knocking him out so efficiently that he slides boneless to the floor.

Yeesh, Reed. Got some resentment you're trying to work through?

Liquid rushes up my nose, bringing me back to my own fight, as I'm hit with a pressurized stream of what tastes like Sprite, carbonation fizzing my brain. Spluttering, I reel back against the table and out of the onslaught, bumping then immediately righting the immobilized demon. Sugar water plasters hair to my cheeks as I search for my attacker and find Ethan, still posted up behind the counter, holding the smoking soda gun. I swear I see a twinge of regret but the line in the sand's been drawn and it looks like Terry's friend is on the other side.

Slurping soda from my upper lip, I dive across the Formica to snatch the corded pipe from his hands and with a grunt, tear the whole thing free from its base. Whipping it up and around, I flick the heavy part straight at his raw, inflamed face and it pops him in the nose with a metallic smack. Squealing, he tries to scramble out of range but I've already gathered the line for a second shot and when I let it fly, it strikes him right between the brows. His eyes cross almost comically and he drops behind the counter like a puppet cut from their strings.

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