Chapter 53

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Word Count: 3690

Nobody's POV

As the EMT checked his watch, the weight of the moment settled heavily on his shoulders. He cast a glance toward the hallway where the small child sat with Officer Clarke, her innocence a stark contrast to the somber scene unfolding. Time of death: 05:24. The mother hadn't made it. The realization hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the tragedy that had unfolded.

Based on the scene described by the little girl and the substances found nearby, it was clear she needed a full screening. The EMT knew the child had likely been exposed, perhaps even dealing with withdrawal symptoms. It was a grim reminder of the harsh realities she faced.

"Will you two load her into the ambulance? The Deputies will bring the girl in separately," the EMT instructed his team, gesturing toward Officer Allen. There was a need for privacy, a moment to process the gravity of the situation.

Averie's POV

The apartment felt crowded, unfamiliar faces filling the space where once it had been just me and Mummy, and dumb Brandon. Daddy always said not to open the door to strangers, but today was different. Mummy needed help, and I didn't know what else to do.

"Averie, where do you sleep?" Officer Clarke's voice broke through the chaos, pulling me from my thoughts. I pointed silently toward my bedroom, too nervous to speak as I tried to hide behind my blanket and Daisy.

"Alright, could you show me where that is?" Officer Clarke's tone was gentle, her words a lifeline in the uncertainty. "We're going to the hospital, and I thought you might want to bring some things to make you feel more comfortable."

I didn't want to go to the hospital. The thought of it sent a shiver down my spine, the memories of past visits still fresh in my mind. But Officer Clarke's gaze was firm, and I knew there was no arguing with her. She gave me the same type of look Daddy and Taylor give me when I'm in trouble.

I retrieved my school backpack, feeling the weight of responsibility as I handed it over. Daddy and Taylor had made sure all my medical cards were up-to-date. While Officer Clarke checked them, I headed to my yucky-smelling room. Mummy and I were going somewhere better, and Brandon wasn't going to be there.

My feet echoed on the hardwood floor as I made my way to my room, Officer Clarke's presence a constant reminder behind me. I grabbed my empty duffle bag from the closet and started stuffing it with all my important things.

I threw some of my favorite clothes in the bag first. Then I put in the framed picture of Daddy, Taylor, and Me, a picture of Mummy and me, my Kitty cup, Piglet, my Monkey from my first zoo trip with Mummy, a few other special toys, and my room inhaler. Office Clarke just watched me, well actually, I think she was trying to decide between clearing the yucky sick mess or not. Someone said that it could be considered evidence. Evidence for what, I don't know. I'm assuming to show the doctors that I'm sick.

"Um, how about we put on some new pajamas?" Officer Clarke's suggestion pulled me from my thoughts. I nodded silently, the idea offering a brief distraction from the uncertainty swirling around me.

I changed into new pajamas, the soft fabric offering a small sense of normalcy amidst the chaos. But as the adrenaline faded, I was left feeling yucky and alone. I wanted my Mummy, Daddy, or Taylor.

"What's wrong, Averie?" Officer Clarke's concern was palpable, her words were a gentle reminder that I wasn't truly alone. I still felt lonely and sad. No one was telling me what was happening with Mummy.

"I-I..." I trailed off, unsure how to put my feelings into words. I wanted someone to take all this confusion away.

"Averie, do you want a hug?" Officer Clarke's question caught me off guard. I nodded silently, holding out my hands as she carefully enveloped me in a warm embrace, her arms providing a sense of comfort and security that I desperately needed. For a moment, I allowed myself to lean into her, to pretend that all of this wasn't happening.

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