Chapter 9

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Abhiram POV:

I'm in a deep slumber when someone starts shaking me, calling my name. I open my eyes to the sight of the most beautiful pair of blue orbs – my stunning wife's eyes. Siya's sweet voice gently wakes me from my sleep.

"Wake up, Abhiram. Your flight is at 7 am, and it's already 5:30 am. Get up, please, or you'll be late," she says.

Her voice carries a melody, and the way she pronounces my name adds a touch of allure. My name sounds particularly enchanting when it escapes her lips.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes and trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

"Alright, alright. I'm up," I mutter, glancing at the clock to confirm the time. Siya gives me a quick smile, and I can't help but appreciate how her presence brings a certain warmth even to these early mornings.

I got up from bed, headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, and when I returned, I was pleasantly surprised to find Siya already laying out my suit for the day. Not only that, but she had also efficiently packed the clothes I needed for the trip, displaying an unexpected level of consideration and thoughtfulness. It's these small gestures that make the chaos of the morning feel a bit more manageable.

"I've packed your suitcase, and if there's anything else related to your business meeting, let me know, and you'll check it one more time. In the meantime, I'll prepare your breakfast," Siya said.
While she was preparing breakfast, I got dressed and checked the contents of my suitcase. Siya was efficient, and everything seemed to be in order. As I headed downstairs, the aroma of the breakfast she was making filled the air, creating a sense of warmth and comfort. I couldn't help but appreciate her efforts.

After finishing my breakfast, Siya handed me a neatly packed bag, checking one last time if I had everything.As we reach the door, ready to leave for the airport, Siya looks at me with sincerity in her eyes. "Take care, Abhiram. I'll see you when you get back."

Her words catch me off guard, and for a moment, I feel a twinge of something unfamiliar. Maybe it's the realization that there's someone genuinely caring about my well-being. I nod, not trusting myself to speak, and head out for the business trip, leaving behind a curious mix of emotions.

As I reached the airport, I boarded my private jet, settling into the plush seat. Surprisingly, my thoughts drifted towards Siya, her caring nature, and the way she wished me well. The cold, calculated businessman in me found it unusual to be affected by such sentiments, but her gestures lingered in my mind.

"No," I told myself firmly. "I shouldn't feel this way. She couldn't possibly have an impact on me. Even if she's not a gold digger, she deserves someone better than me. I can't provide the happiness and love she deserves."

When I met her for the first time, I was captivated by her. She looked mesmerizingly beautiful, and I shamelessly checked her out. To my surprise, when our eyes met, I saw her checking me out too. I couldn't help but smirk, thinking that I had an effect on her. It was a fleeting moment, but the exchange of glances sparked a curiosity within me, a curiosity that I was reluctant to acknowledge.

As I sat on the plane, my mind couldn't escape the whirlwind of thoughts surrounding Siya. Her presence lingered in my mind, each memory flashing vividly as if etched in my consciousness.

Recalling the day we first met, I couldn't deny the magnetic pull she had on me. Her beauty was undeniable, but it was the shared glances and unspoken connection that left me intrigued. Despite my initial reservations, her innocence and genuine curiosity broke through my defenses, stirring emotions I hadn't felt in years.

The image of Siya on our engagement day flooded my mind, her ethereal beauty captivating everyone in the room. Her simplicity and grace stood out amidst the opulence, reminding me of the depth beneath her outward appearance. And on our wedding day, she transformed into a vision of elegance, her presence commanding attention and admiration.

My thoughts also went on aaru panic attack and how Siya is calming Aadhya. pondering how Siya acquired knowledge about panic attacks. As I reflected on her calm demeanor, I couldn't help but wonder about her own experiences with panic attacks. The realization that Siya might have faced similar challenges in the past added a layer of complexity to his admiration, leaving him curious about the untold chapters of her own struggles and resilience.

As I reflected on her ability to handle the situation,  I couldn't shake the curiosity about what might have led Siya to experience panic attacks herself.

My admiration for Siya deepened as I realized the depth of her empathy and the extent to which she cared for our family. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for having someone like her by my side, someone who not only understood the complexities of our family but also possessed the strength and compassion to navigate through challenging moments.

During breakfast, Dadaji's invitation for Siya to join the family for breakfast, I noticed a subtle yet poignant moment. Despite her efforts to conceal her emotions, a tear rolled down her cheek, revealing the significance of this moment for her.. In that brief instant, I glimpsed a vulnerability, a delicate emotion that hinted at something deeper.

It left me pondering the reasons behind Siya's reluctance, making me wonder if there was an unspoken pain or a past experience that contributed to her guarded response. The way she declined revealed more than words could convey – a sense of vulnerability and perhaps a yearning for a kind of love that had been elusive in her life.

When I approached Dadaji, I noticed Siya sitting there with teary eyes, engaged in a conversation with Dadaji. Their discussion seemed to touch upon something painful from her past, but I couldn't quite grasp the details. After their talk, she hurriedly left, her emotions palpable.

Confused and concerned, I approached Dadaji, inquiring about Siya. Dadaji, with a sense of confidentiality, mentioned it wasn't his place to reveal her past. He hinted that Siya might share if she felt comfortable. Intrigued by the mystery, I couldn't help but wonder why Dadaji gave her a gift meant for her mom when her mom give it to siya herself. Determined to understand Siya better, I resolved to uncover the truth behind the emotions she carried and the secrets she held.

Returning to the room, I noticed Siya's red eyes, betraying the tears she had shed. Concerned, I inquired about her well-being, and she responded with a forced reassurance, claiming to be fine. It struck me then that behind her cheerful facade, a saddened Siya existed, expertly concealing her pain. It left me pondering how someone's smile could camouflage such profound sadness, making me realize the depth of the emotions she concealed beneath her seemingly carefree demeanor.

My mind abruptly snapped out of its musings as the air hostess approached with a seductive tone, asking, "Sir, what would you like to have for lunch?" Ignoring the suggestive undertone, I responded with a cold demeanor, "Just give me my usual."

After finishing lunch, I got back to work on my laptop. The quiet hum of the jet's engines served as background noise as I focused on emails and reports. The small space became my makeshift office, and the routine tasks helped shift my attention from deep thoughts to practical work.

The passing clouds outside the window provided a calming view as I immersed myself in the responsibilities of my job. The journey became a mix of productivity and solitude, with the simplicity of work offering a steady rhythm amid the clouds

Upon landing, a sleek black Audi awaited me, whisking me away to my destination. The familiarity of the luxurious vehicle added a touch of comfort as I headed to my hotel. The looming business meeting occupied my thoughts, prompting me to seek a moment of relaxation before the upcoming meeting which is after few hours.

As I settled into my hotel room, the plush surroundings provided a brief respite. However, the passing minutes couldn't escape the ticking clock of responsibilities. The realization struck me—hardly an hour had passed, yet my mind involuntarily circled back to thoughts of Siya. How would I navigate this week without her presence? The question lingered, creating a subtle undercurrent of uncertainty amid the demands of my business commitments.

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