The pathetic monster that I became

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"Eyes down," I told Tracy as I stared at the book Hael gifted me. The cover was pretty interesting. The flower in the girl's hand was being violated. Wonder what that means? I guess I'll find out when I read it.

"My Lady," Tracy said, "Your father has called you for dinner."

I put the book down as a frown appeared on my face, "My father?" I looked at my maid, "Has called me for dinner?"

"Yes," She kept her eyes down, "Your brother is back."


"Ah," So Hubert is back but that doesn't explain why father is calling me to have dinner with them. I've never been called to dinner before, "Fine," I stood up, "I'll be there." I have a bad feeling about this. Nothing really goes well when I meet my family.

"Yes," She bowed and left the room. Funny, I thought she would do something to retaliate back but so far, nothing has been done.

I walked to the mirror to check my appearance. My hair felt a little out of space so I grabbed the comb and tamed them down.

Did something happen during this time in the past? I can't seem to remember it right.

I walked towards the door

Well, I guess I'll find out once I go there. It's bound to be something, there is no way they're calling me just to meet me but since Hubert is back, there should be some really delicious dinner served tonight. He's very picky with food, so at the very least, I'll get to eat nice.

As I walked through the corridor and turned the corner, I almost hit someone


"AH!" Good thing I was able to react fast and stopped myself in time. But when I looked up to see who it was, my heart fell.


Right, if he's back home, his room is just around the corner. He spared me a glance, then turned around to walk away without a word. His gaze was cold and so was his aura. We were going in the same direction, to the same place, but I didn't follow right behind him.

He has never liked me being close, so I waited till he started descending the stairs and then began to walk slowly so the distance between us wouldn't diminish.

I watched from far away as he greeted the others, the maids, the staff, and how calm and nice he was being with them but he would never show that kind of side to me.

My brother blamed me for the death of our mother.


Because she started to grow weak after giving birth to me. This is perhaps also the reason why my father hates me. They must believe they could have been the perfect family if I hadn't been born. Childbirth did take a toll on my mother's body, or that is what the doctors said, so ultimately, I was the only thing that could be blamed.

But, someone tell me,

Just how is that my fault? I did not choose to be born, it was my parent's choice, yet I'm the villain?

I watched from far away as Hubert entered the dining hall and I paused for a few moments when I reached it.

If I think about it, what I had become in the past was all because of my own family.

They created the pathetic monster that I was.

I took a deep breath and walked into the dining room. Father was sitting on the head chair and Hubert took his place beside him.

I spared them a glance, "Good evening, father," I made a courteous bow, "Good evening, brother," I raised my head and began to walk towards my chair without waiting for a reply back because I knew it wasn't coming.

I sat down on my designated chair that was a little further from theirs but it didn't really bother me now. I had already accepted it all, but when I did sit down, I noticed there was nothing on the table in front of me

No plates, no glass, no utensils.

"You're not eating here," Hubert said and I raised my head to look at him, "I only had you called here to give you the news."

I know I should be used to it, but the attitude and the words stung like icy cold arrows. I looked at my father and he agreed, "That's right, it's something important that you need to hear. You can eat in your room."

I guess no matter how immune one person wants to be, it will always hurt when family treats you like shit.

"Yes," I looked down at my empty table.I can't believe I thought I'd eat some nice stuff today... I got my stomach rumbling for no reason...

"You," Hubert said in his cold voice, "You're getting engaged to the third prince in a few days."

I paused


Then my eyes went wide with shock.


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