The king's request

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My cheeks heated up

"Y-you!" What did he just say, "You can call me by my name!" I was fretting, "What do you mean your woma-" I didn't get my chance to get an answer out of him

"Hael!" A woman's excited voice made both of us look at the person approaching us.


Princess Ophelia?

"Oh My God! Hael it is you!" She ran up to him and took his arm in hers, subtly pushing me aside.


I stumbled away from them both awkwardly.

"Hello princess," Hael greeted her.

"Are you here to meet me?" Her eyes sparkled when she talked to him. Cory was right. Anyone could tell she wanted him. She was sticking a little too close to him. Even I wasn't that attached to him when I was hiding behind him.

I stared at them with contempt. There is a thing called decency!

"No," Hael did not entertain her, "I'm here on official business," And while her expressions turned sour, I loved how he shut her down.


Wait! No, I did not love it! What am I saying? Why would I think like that? God! No! No! NO, don't think about it.

"And," She looked at me, "Who is this?" She looked at me from top to bottom. Then she frowned, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

"This is the new saint," The king said,

"What?" Ophelia was surprised, "Her?" She pointed at me as she looked at her father. The king nodded, "Wow," She looked back at me, then frowned again, "Why do you look so familiar?"

Neither Hael, nor the king answered her. So, she kept looking at me after asking the question.

I shrugged, "I don't know, Your Highness, I've never met you before." I replied

"Hmmm?" She was not convinced. But, then again, her suspicion was valid.

"Ophelia," The king said "Why don't you go watch the game today?" He said, "With the new saint. I'm sure it'll be a good experience for her."

"Game?" I wasn't expecting him to make such a request

"Yes," He answered, "The tournament was a bit delayed, so you'll be able to watch the matches today. It's the second last day."

I glanced at Hael

"Daddy!" The princess didn't let go of Hael's arm, "I want Hael to teach me today!" She puffed her cheeks, "You promised me, you'd get Hael to teach me privately!"

Privately? Teach her privately? Like with no one else there but the two of them!? That didn't sit well with me. The king shouldn't allow it! How can he allow his only daughter to be with a man alone!

The king wasn't very happy with how possessive the princess was being over Hael.

"I'll allow it," He said, making me feel bad, "But I have thing I want to discuss with the Master, for the time being take the new saint to the games,"

Ophelia rolled her eyes, "Do I have to?"

"Yes," The king answered, "Now go,"

I glanced at Hael, "I don't want to go to the games," I said, "Do something," I whispered.

Hael did look at me, but gave me no answer. On the other hand, he simply moved his gaze to look at the princess and she came fuming over to me.

"Fine!" She grabbed my hand, "I'll take her!" She yanked me away

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