Chapter Thirty-Two

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omg hi guys! i'm sorry for leaving y'all for 3 weeks :( there's been a lot going on in my life lately, mainly family stuff.

a little over a week ago i woke up to the news that my dog had died :( that's her up there from christmas, her name is vada and she was a 14 y/o husky-sheltie mix. when i got home from school that day i learned i'd misunderstood, my dog was not dead yet, but she was going to be put down due to her declining health. she was an old girl, almost 15 which is pretty old for a big dog like her. poor baby had throat cancer and arthritis and could barely breathe. so i went with my aunt and my grandma to the vet. she went very peacefully and is probably now eating bacon and doing her little husky scream in doggo heaven.

then on the way home from the vet i got a flat tire on the highway and had a panic attack on the side of the road :/ so that's great.

i slipped into a depressive period and didn't really want to write until a few days ago after i finally had a good cry and went into a cleaning frenzy putting away my dog's old things. i'm doing much better now and i'm ready to start writing again :) so without further ado here's your next chapter!

"... and then Remus said, 'I really don't like you,' and Sirius said, 'That's not what you told me last night.' And then Remus turned into a tomato. So, yeah. Now I'm about ninety percent sure they're sleeping together."

"Are you sure it wasn't just Sirius being... well, Sirius?" I asked, pouring some nectar into a flask and putting a stopper in it.

"Are you sure you're not in denial?" asked Karl, whose rainbow image was in the corner of the empty infirmary. It was early morning for me, but for Karl it was nearly midday and he'd woken up maybe an hour ago. While I was at camp, he gave me constant updates about what was going on at Grimmauld Place. Due to their close proximity, Remus and Sirius seemed to be developing a romantic relationship, and it was a bit strange for us teenagers.

I threw Karl an unimpressed look, unceremoniously dropping the flask into my bag. I was packing to go on a quest with Luke. As a healer and a daughter of Apollo, I'd been put in charge of preparing medical supplies, though I'd been told our satyr guide also had some healing abilities. "I don't know. Maybe I am? It's weird. Everything is weird."

"It is weird," Karl agreed. "But I get the feeling we have different ideas for why it's weird. It's weird for me because I have to see this guy flirting with my adoptive dad all the time, and it's like, dude, save that for the bedroom. Why's it weird for you?"

"Because... well..." I tried to think of a good way to word what I was about to say as I sealed a Ziploc bag of ambrosia and packed that as well. "I just feel like he's forgetting my mom? I know that's probably not the case, and even if it was, he has the right to move on. It's been more than fifteen years since he last saw her."

"He hasn't forgotten her," Karl said. "He and Remus keep a picture of her in the sitting room."

"They do?"

"Yeah. I mean, she was Remus' friend, too, right?"

"Yeah," I said. I sighed. What was so I worried about? Remus was a good guy who loved Sirius, and Sirius loved him. It could've been way worse; Sirius could've found someone entirely different, someone who didn't care for him as much as Remus did. "You're right, I don't know what my deal is."

"Your deal is we're already late," came a voice from the door. I turned and saw Luke and our assigned satyr guide, Oakley Hedge. Oakley came from a long line of satyr guides, his most interesting relative being his uncle — or was it his cousin? I couldn't remember — Gleeson Hedge, who was known for being obsessed with martial arts films. "We were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago."

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