Chapter 1

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Have you ever considered how you would approach an unknown entity when you have no prior knowledge about it?

When you face something so supernatural, it almost makes you believe whether these kinds of things exist or not? 

If human were to face such things, What would they feel?

Fear, Excitement, Anxiety, Surprise, Stressed ...?

When faced with something unnatural, humans often experience a complex range of emotions. One of the most common emotions is fear, as the unknown can trigger a sense of unease and anxiety. The unfamiliarity and potential threat associated with the unnatural entity can heighten these feelings. However, alongside fear, there is often a sense of curiosity.

Humans are naturally inquisitive beings, and encountering something unnatural can ignite a desire to explore and understand. This curiosity can lead to a sense of wonder and fascination, as individuals are captivated by the uniqueness and novelty of the experience. 

At the same time, it can also evoke surprise, catching people off guard and leaving them in awe of the unfamiliar. However, this awe can also be accompanied by confusion, as the lack of familiarity or understanding can leave individuals feeling disoriented and uncertain.

At any rate, Humans are incredibly complex creatures when emotions come to play.

For example, a person may feel happy and excited about a new job opportunity, but also feel anxious and uncertain about the changes it will bring. Similarly, a person may feel love and affection for a partner, but also experience jealousy and insecurity in the relationship. These emotions can be conflicting and difficult to navigate, leading to complex and sometimes overwhelming feelings. 

But emotions can make a person act in an irrational manner, especially when they are experiencing intense or overwhelming emotions. When we are in the grip of strong emotions, such as anger, fear, or sadness, our ability to think rationally and make sound decisions can be compromised.

When people are angry, they may lash out at others without considering the consequences of their actions. When they are afraid, they may avoid situations that are not actually dangerous or overreact to perceived threats.

In other words Emotion makes human humane.

From childhood, I have always been a distant person. While growing up, sheltered I had no one but myself and I used to experience a lot of emotions when I was just a child.

Joy, Sadness, Fear, Excitement...

I used to felt it but after I knew what kind of world I was living. I knew I have to change, grow and adapt.

But soon I realized, I completely felt cold. 

Sometime I wondered, Was it worth it?

Maybe or maybe not.


[Added all students in reaction hall]

Ayanokoji's Pov:

Hmm Interesting .

I had experienced many things in life which had never made me feel this clueless.

But for the first time in life, I felt clueless on what's going on?

The events that unfolded left me feeling utterly bewildered, as if I had stumbled into a realm of uncertainty. 

I found myself situated in the back seat, on the fourth row, unable to move despite my best efforts. I questioned whether this was merely a dream, as the surreal nature of the situation seemed to suggest.

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