Chapter 6

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Song: no, the moon - Teen Suicide

Europa and Ganymede and just left after another day of hanging out with Earth. Moon decided he would follow them this time to see if he was right or not.

-Hey Earth? I'll be right back, I have to go do something. Just uh... hang out with Mars or something. Y'know I don't like to leave you alone...

-Oh. Right. Yeah, you go ahead. I'll be fine.

-You promise you will stay with someone else? Y'know how it is-

-I'm fine moon. You don't have to worry. But if it makes you feel better, I'll go hang out with Mars for a bit.

-Okay.. good. I'll go now.. see you later.


And moon left. He followed the two moons, making sure they didn't see him. He thought they would go to Jupiter, but they stopped in the astroid belt. "Even more suspicious..." he thought.

He followed them inside, listening to what they were saying. And as he excepted, they were hiding something.

-God he's so stupid. Does he really think we would be friends with a planet? Pffft, yeah right. (Why tf am I so cliche help-)

-He seems to trust us. You were right Europa, he was easy to trick.

-I told you. Now when we have his trust, we can attack soon. (I HATE THIS ITS LIKE ALL THE KIDS MOVIES EVER)

"I knew they were hiding something.. I have to warn the Earth." Moon thought before he left.


-Earth!! Europa and Ganymede are planning to attack you! You can't trust them!

-Moon what the- what are you talking about?

-I spied on them! That's why I was gone! They're just being nice to you to earn your trust, they're planning on attacking you!

-Is that so? Earth sighed. It was a bit disappointing, but he knew his moon would never lie to him.
-Well, thank you for telling me Moon.

Moon nodded, of course he would tell Earth. He would always protect Earth.

No matter what.

Ew I hate this chapter so much. Kill me.

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