Chapter 12

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Song: Think of me once in a while, take care - Take Care

-Earth y.. you need to move... Titan had woken up and saw what Europa and Ganymede was about to do.

-What? Earth looked back.

Moon saw it too now.

He would always protect the Earth.

No matter what.

They threw the first asteroid.

Earth barely had any time to react before moon quickly threw himself in front of Earth.

He would always protect the Earth.

No matter what.

The astroid hit Moon, debree from the astroid flew everywhere. Earth looked at his moon in surprise and worry.

-Moon no you can't-

Another asteroid hit, moon stayed in his place. More debree shattered everywhere, now some were also from the Moon.

-Moon stop you can't handle any mor-

Another asteroid. Debree everywhere. Moons surface cracked. But he stayed in place.

Titan was frozen. He saw the moon getting hit again and again. But he just watched.



Another asteroid hit.

And then there was a loud crack.

Earth stared.

He stared at the remains of his moon in front of him.

The dust that started to gather around him.

He stared.

Titan stared.

Even the two who had caused it stared.

The remains started to break as well, soon it was all dust. Dust that gathered around Earth. Dust that became rings. Dust that once were a friend.

After a long moment of silence, a cry was heard.

-n... no...

Earth was still in shock, but realization slowly got to him.

Titan looked at the the rings, then at Earth then at Ganymede and Europa. They were in shock as well, but one seemed to not care, one seemed to regret it.

-This our chance Ganymede, we can-

-I... I'm done.. that's all Ganymede could say, before he left.

-What!? Hey come back here!!! You- She got cut off by an asteroid hitting her. She looked at Titan, who had thrown the astroid. She knew he was bigger, and she had I chance against him alone. She quickly left instead.

-F*CKING B*TCH! YOU COWARDS! Y- Titan was so upset, he wanted to scream, wanted to kill Europa and Ganymede, wanted to avenge his friend. But instead he broke down in tears, he couldn't speak, couldn't do anything.

It was the same for Earth. Couldn't say anything, couldn't move. He was terrified, shocked, sad, angry, disgusted, he had his best friends remains around him.

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