Chapter 9 - Duties

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Just as Liang Wei seemed on the brink of an uncontrollable explosion, a Qi shield suddenly enveloped him, containing the blast within its confines. Xianwu, scanning the arena for the source of this intervention, spotted the responsible figure: the current Sect Master of the Azure Cloud Sect, Master Yun Xi, floating above the arena with a dominant aura. Her presence commanded immediate silence, and her order for calm was obeyed without question, restoring peace to the once chaotic scene.

Xianwu was internally impressed. He was familiar with Master Yun Xi by reputation but had never witnessed her in action, having left the sect early in his journey. He watched as she conferred briefly with Elder Huang Zheng, their discussion undoubtedly concerning the events that had just unfolded.

Then, with a grace that belied her formidable power, Master Yun Xi floated down to Xianwu. "You, come with me," she said, her voice leaving no room for disobedience.

Without hesitation, Xianwu followed her, curious and slightly wary of what the Sect Master might require of him. The respect he held for her position and abilities was evident, even as he pondered the implications of her direct summons.

Xianwu and Sect Master Yun Xi arrived at the Azure Cloud Sect's palace, a grand structure that stood as a testament to the sect's power and heritage. The palace, with its soaring spires and azure rooftops, reflected the sect's affinity with the heavens and the vast sky. Intricate cloud patterns were carved into the stone, giving the impression of the building itself floating among the celestial bodies. The interior was no less impressive, with vast halls adorned with paintings of legendary battles and tapestries depicting the sect's illustrious history.

Master Yun Xi led Xianwu to the main hall, where she took her place upon the Sect's Throne, a majestic seat carved from ancient azure jade, imbued with centuries of Qi cultivation. She regarded Xianwu expectantly, her gaze sharp and penetrating, as if waiting for him to recount the events that had transpired.

Xianwu, understanding the silence as a tactic, remained quiet. As a former Sect Master of the Heavenly Sect, he was well-versed in such strategies, having employed them countless times himself. The silence stretched between them, becoming a test of wills.

After a moment, Master Yun Xi's patience wore thin. "Tell me what happened," she commanded, her voice carrying a mix of authority and annoyance.

Xianwu responded calmly, "Surely, Elder Huang Zheng has already informed you of the details." His reply, while respectful, carried an undercurrent of confidence that seemed to irritate Yun Xi further. No outer disciple had ever addressed her with such audacity, prompting her to reassess the man before her.

"If you insist on hearing it from me, I can recount the events from my perspective," Xianwu offered, his tone even.

He then proceeded to narrate the occurrences, carefully selecting details that Elder Huang Zheng would likely have shared, omitting any personal insights or undisclosed information. His account was factual, focusing on the confrontation with Liang Wei and the subsequent intervention by Yun Xi herself.

As he spoke, Yun Xi listened intently, her initial irritation giving way to a grudging respect for Xianwu's measured approach. Xianwu, for his part, remained acutely aware of the need to navigate this conversation carefully, providing enough information to satisfy Yun Xi's inquiry without revealing the full extent of his knowledge or suspicions.

The dialogue between them, while initially strained, became a bridge of understanding, highlighting the complex dynamics at play within the sect and underscoring Xianwu's unique position within it. As the conversation concluded, Yun Xi's expression was thoughtful, a sign that Xianwu's words had given her much to consider.

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