Chapter 10 - The Core

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Upon returning to where Feng and Jianyu were waiting, Xianwu was immediately met with a barrage of questions, their curiosity barely contained. The sect grounds around them, a blend of natural beauty and cultivated serenity typical of the Azure Cloud Sect, provided a stark contrast to the intensity of their inquiry. The trio stood near a tranquil pond, its surface mirroring the clear skies above, surrounded by paths lined with ancient trees whispering secrets of the past.

"Xianwu, what did the Sect Master want? Tell us everything!" Feng's voice was ripe with anticipation.

Jianyu, equally eager, leaned in. "Yeah, we saw you two head off. It must be something big."

Xianwu, taking a moment to gather his thoughts amidst the serene backdrop of the sect's lush gardens, began to share. "Well, it seems my performance in the tournament caught the Sect Master's attention," he started, his tone casual but with a hint of pride.

Feng's eyes widened. "So, what did she say?"

"She's made me a core disciple," Xianwu revealed, watching their reactions closely.

Jianyu's jaw dropped. "A core disciple? Just like that? And under the Sect Master herself?"

"That's incredible, Xianwu! But...why you?" Feng asked, a mix of excitement and bewilderment in his voice.

Xianwu smiled, acknowledging their surprise. "It's due to my contributions during the tournament. Though, I believe there might be more to it," he added, deliberately omitting the part about the dark energy and his subsequent revelations with Yun Xi.

Feng and Jianyu exchanged looks, their minds racing with the implications. "This is huge. Being the disciple of the Sect Master changes everything," Jianyu said, the significance of the news sinking in.

"Yeah, but what about the dark energy? Did she mention anything about that?" Feng probed, his curiosity unsatisfied.

Xianwu hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "We discussed many things, but for now, let's just say there's a lot we need to prepare for. The sect is facing challenges we might not have expected."

The conversation continued as they walked along the sect's paths, the tranquility of their surroundings a sharp contrast to the storm of questions and possibilities now swirling in their minds. Xianwu's new status as a core disciple under the Sect Master herself marked a turning point, not just for him but for his friends as well. As they navigated the sect's beautifully landscaped grounds, the weight of the future hung heavily in the air, mingling with the natural peace of their environment in a poignant reminder of the balance they all sought to maintain.

A few days following his sudden elevation, Xianwu, accompanied by Feng and Jianyu, found himself walking towards a pivotal assembly within the sect. This gathering, orchestrated by Sect Master Yun Xi, was to formally acknowledge his new status as a core disciple. The chosen venue was a training hall of ancient prestige, resonating with the cumulative energy of myriad cultivators who had honed their skills within its walls.

The hall itself was a marvel of architectural beauty and spiritual significance, its vast space enclosed by towering columns that seemed to channel the very essence of cultivation. Murals adorned its walls, each telling a story of valor and wisdom, while the floor was etched with intricate patterns that pulsed with a soft, internal light.

As they arrived, the atmosphere was charged with expectancy. Present were the sect's six elders, each a paragon of their respective disciplines, Sect Master Yun Xi, and the seven core disciples, including Lan Hua and now Xianwu, making it a congregation of the sect's most influential figures, plus Feng and Jianyu as observers.

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