Chapter 7

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Becoming one with his kin

It has been weeks of studying and learning with Sarah. They have spent much time together, especially in the room.
They must have spent years in the room already as they have grown very fond of one another and are always together. Not a single moment goes by where John and Sarah are not gone from one-another for too long.
John has finally reached a stage where he has mastered the transformation and has been learning everything Sarah has to cover, besides all the times they spend together making love and enjoying one another they also know that they need to stick to the plan and get him ready for the day Debi arrives! Something that has not been forgotten.
Sarah believes she is entitled to her love and devotion to John more than ever. She believes that she has found the one she has been waiting for all of her life. John feels the same way but it is not nearly the same as what Sarah feels for John.
John and Sarah are awaiting Xe's arrival. As they are all waiting patiently in the room where the sunken floor and portal will open.
I will never get used to this Sarah. As John looks at Sarah and winks.
I know my love is still not used to it. As Sarah responds.
You guys are so cute! As Lisa sits with her head held upright with her hand and knees together watching the smooth.
How long has this been going on? I am sure you guys are enjoying the secret room! As Lisa giggles with obvious intention as to what she is referring to.
John and Sarah say nothing and are lost in each other's gaze.
The portal appears and Xe steps out from his planet.
Good to see everybody is here! As Xe looks around the room, but in his Secrion form.
Well Xe we haven't seen you in your Secrion form is ... well have we? I can't remember? Says Jack.
It has been a while. I think I need to take on my human form? So we don't get caught by alien hunters.
Was that a joke Xe just made? As Andrew curiously asks?
I can make a joke too! As he starts to transform into his human form! Sophisticated, Taylor made a suit, tie and was really well dressed! Six foot standing tall blond hair combed back and choking blue eyes. Standing with his hands in his pocket as his very expensive watch is visible and cufflinks show his authority.
Wow! What a sight! I believe I have never seen this side before! O m g Xe! As Nicky cannot stop staring at Xe. But she shakes it off as they are still one being and she realizes they are the same.
So, we are all here to see what the progress is on John evolution. Sarah?
John and Sarah let go of each other's hands and Sarah steps forward facing everyone.
As you all know...
Yes we know you guys have been screwing each other's brains out for years in the secret room! As Andrew loudly exclaims!
Sarah blushes.. as I was saying. John has made some significant progress. We have done all we can to get him to transform quickly. He has done all he can with his current situation.
So we need to move onto the next phase then Sarah? Xe asks.
Yes. I believe we are both... I mean John is ready. Sarah blushes again.
Haha you guys are adorable! Andrew makes another comment.
Can you just! Please tell Andrew what we do with our time...
Calm down Sarah he is only being an idiot. Lisa quickly stops Sarah from saying anything.
I hope you guys can separate your feelings from what is important at least. I know Sarah can have all the trust in the world with Sarah. Can John handle this? As Jack gets up and walks towards them both.
Jack, it has been weeks, and for us it has been years in the secret room. I know how to control myself and we are confident that we can achieve whatever is necessary! As John confidently stands towards Jack as he looks at Sarah.
Right I don't want to spend more time here on eath than I have to. I have things to get to! As Xe takes authority.
I am going to give you a gift today John. I think everybody here knows what this means? You will be given my cells and you will mutate into a version of us. I have been trying to calculate all the possible outcomes and believe that you will succeed and nothing bad will happen.
John nods his head.
Xe transforma his hand into a needle-like claw and sticks it into John's hand. Taking a piece of flesh and it quickly absorbs into Xes claw, he sticks the needle-like claw back into John's hand and releases it.
That is? Asks John. I didn't even feel anything? Is it that easy?
Haha Yes John it was that easy, however you will soon need to get ready because your entire DNA will be altered and you will become one of us... or a version as I said. I think it is going to hurt.
Thanks for the warning Xe! As John seems a bit shocked.
Now I will take my leave. I have spent too much time here already. I don't like this place.
What do you dislike about home or earth? Lisa sounds disappointed.
Not just, earth. That's why you are here to take care of it for me. Xe turns around and opens the portal and leaves.
Well that was. Well that was Xe. Andrew seemed disappointed as he was expecting a bit more.
We need to go to John. I am not sure what to expect from this transformation. We better go to the secret room.
I guess you will enjoy that Sarah. Andrew always makes comments on the topic he knows will infuriate Sarah.
Are you jealous Andrew? You could never handle this as John can and turns to walk away grabbing John's hand.
Pfft jealous I... whatever Sarah. Andrew for the first time is speechless.
John and Sarah take their leave and go back into the secret room but this time Jack, Lisa and Andrew join them to assist and witness the transformation.
So this is a nice place! Designed it yourself Sarah? As Andrew continuously makes comments on everything.
Well Andrew, you are seeing John's version of the place. As Sarah looks at John and winks.
The room has changed a bit. Thick white drapes hanging from the 4 meter high windows. A fire burning in the fireplace with swords above the fireplace hanging like trophies. A large bed with white satin sheets and dark brown wooden antique finish to the beds base.
Pictures of far away places and some of John and Sarah mixed between the wallhangings.
The wooden floors have carpets now and pillows on the carpets facing the fireplace.
Well well well! John is a real romantic! As Lisa expresses almost in a jealous manner.
Right we need to go. Sarah quickly shuts down the conversation and gets serious.
Everybody close your eyes and hold hands.
They all travel to a distant part of the universe surrounded by nothing but space and almost completely absent from light.
John is in the middle and they have to wait.
Well is this going to take long? I want to go back to the fireplace and enjoy what ... he gets interrupted.
Be quiet Andrew. We need to be ready. As Jack looks at John with a stair that he never shows.
Andrew watches John and realizes time for jokes are at an end.
It has been hours and nobody has said a word. John has been feeling no change and decides to say something.
Do you think this is going to happen?
Well just give it time my love... John. As Sarah quickly tries to correct her error in words.
John smiles and closes his eyes. Suddenly he is bombarded with visions as he jolts and tries to shake it off. But they notice.
He starts seeing little fireflies surrounding him and he is slowly moving up and moving faster but they are all moving with him and he starts to feel a burning inside his gut. He cannot help but scream as they move faster and faster through the emptiness and the firefly light becomes brighter and more surrounding his entire body.
His body shifts into all sorts of forms every second that passes he changes into shapes that he has never seen or believed could be possible. But it is like something from a horror film, as he changes size and form and each part of his body is something else not matching any other part. 
Suddenly, everything stops and he hangs in space. Nobody is moving or making a sound.
He has transformed into a Secrion... yet different. He has his golden armor and is larger than the average Secrion. He has no mouth and his eyes are dark deep black small. With an elongated head towards the back. His armor looks like a knight from ancient dark times but with a light blue light glowing through underneath. He has three fingers but a thick yellowish brown skin and his legs bend backwards with long feelt ending in a hoof-like foot but all over his body are strange markings like nobody has seen before. Secrions do have markings all over their armor and skin, bur John seems to be different. 
Andrew, Jack, Lisa and Nicky have also transformed into their original Secrion form just to be safe and sure they can handle what is about to happen.
Sarah is still human and has not shape shifting abilities. I think I need to leave so you can handle this? As Sarah asks.
With a collective thought they all say yes simultaneously. In a strange legion-like voice she realizes they are all in sync with one another and leaves the room.
They are all hanging in space just waiting for John. Krynoss is born! A telepathic agreement amongst one another.
Jack as Xanthor
Lisa as Vorlex
Nicky as Thalara
And Andrew as Gravax
They unite by holding hands and sync up with one another.
Each Secrion has its own reason for existence and being. They need to become one with Krynoss so they can share their essence to trully be one with one another.
Krynoss's existence is made clear and revealed to them all. He is to ascend and guide Debi to earth. Will it be a battle? Or friendly conversation? No one is sure, but they all know that John, Krynoss are ready.
Xe appears from out of nowhere and hovers in the middle in the group.
Krynoss, you have been reborn! I was holding onto my last clone cell mutation. I will not be able to regenerate a new Secrion. You are the last of our kind now. We are one and you are us.
You understand what we understand and hear what we hear, experience and feel.
You are much more than your peers and you will take leadership amongst our own. Warning to you. Do not become greedy with the power or seek vengeance but harness your power towards helping any and all other species in the known universe. This is your rules, this is your oath and this is your purpose.
Not a single word, or telepathic thought. As if all of them are in complete alignment and synced up... each Secrion starts to glow brighter and brighter, the light is so bright that they all seem to disappear in it for a while... like a supernova the light disperses from them all and John transforms back and loses consciousness.
Xe summons Sarah, the room snaps back to the one John constructed and they all transform to human form.
John is lying on the floor as everybody is standing around the room watching and waiting for Sarah to come back inside.
What happened? As Sarah slams the door open, sees John on the floor.
She rushes towards him and gets on her knees and tales his head into her lap.
He will be fine Sarah. We have completed the transformation. Be careful he might give off too much radiation for you to maintain. I suggest you keep him here and check on him every couple of hours. His current body cannot withstand the change for too long but it will normalize in a few days. We needed to become one.
Sarah is not even looking at Xe, his tears are rolling down her cheeks as she slowly wipes John's forehead.
It is obvious that they need to be left alone and the Thornewoods including Xe, leaving John and Sarah as they are.
Sarah will take care of John for as long as she lives and right now as long as it is necessary.

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