Chapter 5

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Another life another world

John and Sarah await Andrew's arrival so that he can open a portal to Xe's planet.
Andrew seems like a busy ... per.. alien? Asks John.
Haha he is always up to something that much is true John. He is part of the greater scheme of things. As Sarah giggles and winks at John.
John nods and shyly looks away.
So you guys are ready! As Andrew bursts into the room! Smaks John on the back. So what have you been up to Johnny boy?
John thinks to himself. Damn this guy. I could take him now.
No you would not be able to Johnny. You forgot we are telepathically connected now my friend. Haha. As Andrew laughs it off.
Shit! Damn you Andrew! I can't keep my own thoughts to myself anymore? Agree as John is about this it is also an ability that he will have to control.
Andrew opens the portal to Xe's planet and the three of them step through.
Xe was anticipating their arrival. As he stands there is awesome magnificence, towering above everybody else. He has a blue shine about him today. He seems a bit restless come to think of it as he is walking... gliding up and down the room. Hard to say with a creature like Xe.
Mind your thoughts John! As Xe looks him in the eyes with those dark deep eyes piercing through his soul!
Yes about that Xe. How is it possible that all this is happening? The telepathic abilities, the transformation, the...
Let me stop you right there. I am about to explain everything here now. As Xe aggressively stops John.
You are one of the few, which you already know. But I think to let you know more about what I am and who we are might give you more introspection.
It seems like everybody is eager to hear and listen to the story.
About fourteen billion years ago, I was born. I am a simple organism born from chaos and disaster, however beautiful part of creation. My existence was a struggle as I was born in a pool of water and particles all trying to take life. I believe I was the first successful entity or being as you would know it in simple terms.
Every evolution and change took me to another level of becoming a super organism. I was born again and again as the environment kept on changing. I had to find a way to jump through time and space to get off the planet and part of the universe I was in due to all the destructive forces that were endlessly shaping the universe, planets, stars and alike. I was not as...intelligent as I am now, I was a simple creature, much like humans, but with a much worse start.
I was able to somehow think about a distant star and see the star and the solar system in my mind and started noticing small particles coming together. It took me a very long time to finally realize that wormholes exist and that would be the best way for me to travel from one part to another part of the universe altogether. I had to concentrate for a very long time longer than the human race's existence is.
Time to me was irrelevant. I was part of a cluster in a spawning pool. A pool of water on a planet and many planets had this pool. I needed to escape the pool and at the same time travel from one to another as the destructive forces and nature were upon me every few million years.
So you have been alive since the beginning? The beginning? Of the universe? John asks politely and hesitantly.
Yes, John I have always existed and I too was just a cell, a simple organism existing alongside other organisms that also evolved right alongside me. You have no idea the kinds of life that exist out there in the universe. Creatures that outsmart me and are as big as planets.
Once I knew how to open a portal... in other words create stable wormholes I was able to pop in and out. Just still a simple being, I discovered in my hundred millions years of evolving, I was able to absorb other organisms by letting them secrete fluids so I can absorb their essens and cell structure along me to shape shift for a short while. This came in handy a few billion years later. Remember time passed much differently for me as for you. To me fourteen billion years was not as hectic as you would imagine. Things took much longer to evolve and the concept of living and surviving were two different things.
I took form from many kinds of beings that I encountered, traveled off planet regularly and discovered the Draguthon, I'll tell for another day John, but it was a significant one to say the least.
They lived on life stars, living planets that consumed itself. I think it was a destructive being as they perished very quickly in the greater scheme of things. The Draguthon was one of the species I saved from this planet. I had to find a suitable planet for as many as I could safe. However I soon realized that I needed to regenerate in the spawning pools and this took so much time by the time I fully regenerated my strange all the life stars and Draguthon was long gone. Think of it as a hyperbolic time chamber and cryostats in a sense but a slowing down process so I was unaware of the time it took once I took my slumber.
When I awoke thousands of years later.
I needed to see what else was in the universe, thus giving me purpose! You see, all things have a purpose much like the real reason we are here. To identify the reason for Debi and Demsey!
What is that? What are they? John asks intriguingly.
That my friend is the reason I am alive to find out and made it my life's purpose to find out.
What I can tell you is that they are a destructive force yet the only force that keeps everything going. Paradoxically it works.
I was able to evade detection from it.
What do you mean, evade?
Now this is what I was referring to earlier. I wasn't quite the first to be blown into existence. Those powers Debi and Demsey, they have the ability to detect life everywhere and anywhere in the current universe. Demsey seems to embed dark matter particles into all organisms long before those organisms even started existing. I was one of those who was left out or missed. And I wasn't sure how many others or organisms had the same experience. This has been my life, my existence, my purpose for billions of years and I have evolved to a point where I am no longer evolving. My evolution stopped a few millions years ago already. One might say I am a dying breed. I suspect that I will continue on living, however a started a process of duplicating myself in the spawning pool, this resulted in my slowly eroding my own cellular structure but I was soon realized that I am a copy of a copy and the first real successful clone in the universe, sadly if I die or my existence end the ability to clone also ends.
The most common part of life since day one John is the need to continue existing.
So you are the original and all the other Secrions are you but clones?
Yes John that is what I am saying.
So you need me or other species to figure out what exactly?
Well John, how to pass on my abilities and how to continue existing. I am the only force that can deal with Debi.
So Debi is a bad guy?
Haha! Debi is the universe's most dangerous force. She! Is searching for something. I have seen her destroy galaxies and trample over beings, to what end? I have yet to discover.
And you think my being here will help solve this riddle?
Not so dumb as I thought! Yes indeed John. You are going to be the key to finding out what Debi wants! Your dreams have revealed to me that you will soon meet Debi.
What? Meet the most destructive force that has killed everything in her waking path? Are you fucking kidding me?
Haha yes John. Fear not. You still have a few transformations to undergo from what I read from Sarah. You have some time.
By the way Debi already knows about your existence and she is headed here!
What the fuck Xe? This is some out of the world shit!
As I said John do not fear! You are destined to do this seems to be what we have all been waiting for, for millions of years now.
My abilities far exceed what can be comprehended from a human perspective. Sarah is my power and my voice for you and the people before you.  
What do you mean before me?
John, I discovered earth yesterday so to speak. Only four hundred years ago by my standards, yesterday. So you as a species and Sarah are my first contact with something else that can possibly be greater than what I am. Believe me life is very simple in the universe and only the originals that survived can be said to have Godly powers. Everything else is just...average life.
I was found by Lisa. She was in Human form when I met her. I was just a plain young woman that was fascinated by everything.
Lisa found me and we became friends. Much like you I discovered she was alien and she revealed herself to me. I was delighted and exhilarated by this. As Sarah says in an exciting and exhilarated manner.
Yes Lisa, Andrew, Jack and Nicky were sent to earth to observe.
I am the original of eight Secrion.
Only eight? What do you mean you are extinct? Or can you not? You know? Multiply any other way? John asks confusingly.
I am afraid not John. The spawning pool is my life source. Without it I will perish. The rest of my species will perish soon after is not one spawning pool exists.
Like I said we might be a dying breed, or race and species all together.
We have a Secrion on planet Draguthon, another colony living as Secrion and not hiding; you could say they are my rebellious side. And here. Earth. The four good and the four bad, for lack of a better explanation.
We have a free species that we look out for and move things around over the years. Ensuring the continued existence of each species.
So you are now ensuring the human race exists?
Yes John, that is my purpose. You are the youngest of all that we protect.
But we are special in some way Xe?
Yes you and a few others over the years have shown exceptional growth and willingness to mutate and evolve once I experiment and splice your DNA. Don't worry it is all safe, no one dies by my hand ... well not by my hand.
What does that mean?
Well that means we have created some questionable characters from the humans that were not aware of our altering your DNA that resulted in tragic failure. Your history books are full of those monsters and heroes.
So you want to tell me that most of the greatest inventions and worst deaths were because of your lab results?
Yes! Let's not debat that now! What you need to understand is that we might have succeeded with you for some reason. Sarah is also a good example of the outcome I expected.
The planet you are standing on now is a construct of a place that only Secrion can survive on. You are sitting in a bubble that gives you oxygen and I allow you to breathe and exist here.
Well that's good to know Xe. How are you able to do this?
I am able to manipulate particles in the... well around us. I am able to decode and recode matter and matter particles. Have you not been listening to a word I have said?
Yes! Just remember I am only human!
No John, you are more than human now. Soon as you start to realize you are more than we can get this party started... As Andrew would say!

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