Warner Williams

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Night fell so dark in June 18th.

Owen was talking to Walter, he looked weak but not in pain and that mattered, not to Warner but seeing Song at ease did matter to him now.

His plan worked brilliant after finding out Song’s unease, this was the best place Warner could’ve brought him to at first, he was hesitant except he actually wasn’t, Warner would never understand why Song cared about Owen who was nothing but a jackass and an abuser and then he remembered, Lucy was not great as well except Song’s detest for Jeremy was transparent as a translucent butterfly,

“I am 5-year-old! Dad said he would buy me a dog when I turn 10.” Walter whined sitting beside Owen, wires connected to his hand’s nerves.

“Your dad is a liar.” Owen scoffed and Warner turned to Song who was unusually quiet and zoned out, ever since they entered the hospital except for the few words he shared with Owen ‘I hope you’re okay.’ And ‘Take care.’

“Do you want to leave?” Warner whispered leaning towards him, he looked up with his lips pursed as if contemplating about something.

“Thank you for bringing me here.” He whispered and Warner’s lips curled into a smile.

“He promised me! Song tell him brother Warner tell him.” Walter’s lips twitched in a pout as Warner stifled back his chuckle,

“Song and brother Warner? I didn’t knew Song-Song was still 5-year-old.” Owen joked but his face said something else,

“I said brother Song.” Walter gasped and softly slapped his fore-head.
“Don’t make him cry.” Song said ruffling Walter’s hair.

“Did you apologize to Jeremy?” Owen asked, his tone fully changed, not playful or gentle but fatherly.

Warner turned to Song inhaling deeply, whether he should walk out or stay here.

“No.” His eyes fixated on the ground, Owen exhaled reclining his back to the bed looking at Song,

“Why? Why you won’t?” He scratched his fore-head with his plastered hand and impatiently reclined back again

“Song-Song, you injured him yet he didn’t make an issue, don’t you think you should apologize?” He asked and Warner appreciated Owen withholding his anger to himself.

“I didn’t hurt him for nothing. Why don’t you ask him?” Song asked, noticeable frustration but he kept his voice low.

“Instead of asking him, why don’t you enlighten me?”  A pause, Walter was looking at Owen and then at Song as they argued,

“Ask him. Not me.” A knock on the door and Warner turned to see Jeremy, awkward and fretted, what did he do? Warner thought.

“Apologize to him.” Owen mumbled to Song, who sighed

“Owen, Kristen sent you some okra and soup.” His steps approached closer and Warner noticed Song’s silence that spoke words once again.

“Warner.” Jeremy waved and Warner waved back, he had a welcoming warm smile, looked younger than his actual age, his almond eyes of sandy color, warm skin tone and brown warm hairs and on the other hand Gabriella resembled his mother more than Jeremy. Black hair and tough features like her mother.

“Walter’s here.”

“Uncle Jeremy! Where is aunt Kristen and momma?” Walter asked with his tiny eye-brow raised up high.

“Kristen is at home and I don’t know about your momma.” Jeremy nervously chuckled, he sat beside Song on the vacant chair noticing his quietness or anticipating apology, Warner couldn’t figure it out.

“You look so young uncle Jeremy.” Warner said and saw him rub the nape of his neck,

“He is,” Owen added and Jeremy waved his hands chuckling, nervously.

“Tell the kid your age.” His eyes turned small and playful.

“I turned 31 in May.” Warner’s smile vanished, how old was Gabriella if he was just 31, calculating the age of Jeremy becoming a father,

“Kristen was 15 when we conceived Gabriella.” A shy, embarrassed tone.
“You became a dad at the age of 15!” Warner’s eyes grew broad, Jeremy nodded not losing his bubbly smile.

“Actually 14…Kristen is a year elder.” Silence, Song was still quiet but not still, there seemed to be a lot going on in his mind.

“What specie of puppy you want, Walter?” A dog, the answer, Walter should not be listening to this all is what Warner made sure.

“Song wants to say something to you.” Warner sighed noticing the commotion seeming to happen, Jeremy’s almond eyes softened looking at Song, again anticipating apology or noticing his silence.

Song-Song, what do you have to say?” Owen’s tone firm and determined, Song lifted his head up at Jeremy sitting beside him, both his hands on the chair.

“I am sorry.” Song said, weaker and so broken, Jeremy pursed his lips as if he sensed the tension well.

“That these people still believes you and,” A pause “I am the bad guy.” Jeremy bit his inner lip, shook his head and turned to Owen.

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