Chapter 5: Gold Roses

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Today was April 10th. It has been one day since Yamauchi stopped showing up to classes.  

The lectures continued, and they continued to bore me. However, one thing to note is that my classmates are still behaving properly for the most part. However, there have been a few hiccups here and there. For example, my seatmate Sudo is paying attention to class, but I can hear him yawning as he struggles to stay awake. Let's see. I will give it another week before he starts sleeping in class again. 

However, when my classmates notice his behavior, they will follow along by not paying attention during lectures. For now, I'll continue to observe their progress.

I turned my attention toward Hirata Yosuke, my future boyfriend, and I noticed that his demeanor had changed from the day before. Although his face was brighter, he still didn't seem as friendly and approachable as on the first day of school. However, I noticed he had brought his baseball cap and placed it on his desk. Perhaps he was trying to determine the significance of the hat I gifted him. 

Despite the improvements I have witnessed throughout the lecture, without my intervention, he would not have been able to grow into the capable classmate I desired him to become and would have reverted to his prior state. His prior state was fine. He was and still should be able to keep the class united along with Kikyo and me. 

However, this is not enough for my standards. As of right now, he is weak and boring.

So, as his future fake girlfriend, I will help guide him throughout his journey to be capable of handling more stressful situations and, in turn, making him more fun. However, if he can't overcome his defect, I'll have no choice but to replace him with someone else, and I'd prefer not to use that individual. 

Regardless of whether my plan for him succeeds, he will be forced to change or collapse in this stress-inducing school. 

Yes, this whole school will be one stressful situation after another, and Hirata and the rest of my class will have to adapt if they want to succeed. For one, class competitions pit the four classes within a year to compete amongst each other. It's like a real-life match of four-way chess that will last for three years.  

These battles in this abnormal four-way chess will occur in the school's various exams. I don't expect these exams to be normal, perhaps something special you can find at a school like this. To simplify the terminology for the school battles, it would be easier to call them special exams. It has a nice ring to it.  

Now, I am unable to predict what these special exams will hold for our class, but based on what the school is trying to teach us during our time here, I can see that they will involve tests that will test our cooperation as a class, whether in academics, athletics, or maybe social skills. Now, how will my class perform without any guidance? Poorly. 

From the majority of delusional boys who believe they are hot shit to a good portion of girls who act like massive bitches. I determined that as the way my class is now, we are fated to combust. 

However, it doesn't mean that it's all hopeless. In this class, there are certain standout individuals who could reach Class A if something wasn't holding them back. I can assume the school placed more capable individuals in lower classes to balance the four classes and ensure that every class has a fair chance at reaching the top; perhaps, if this class is guided correctly, Class D could, in fact, have the highest potential amongst the four classes.

However, as of right now, with the knowledge I have of Classes A and B, we are undoubtedly the worst, so this hypothetical potential that I predict is going to take a while to achieve. 

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