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You walked back inside the gift shop, noticing DogDay's head instantly snapping up. Hell, you could've sworn he even backed up a bit. You wondered what had happened for him to be so, y'know, jumpy.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" That was kind of a stupid question, wouldn't hurt to check up on DogDay. Maybe you could take him down to the medical bay later...if you could remember where it even was, of course.

"Awful, sick, feelings are mixed, but all are more on the negative side." DogDay sighed, looking back down and beginning to play with his sun pendant again. 

You shrugged, wringing your hands together. You really didn't know what to do. On one hand, DogDay was much too big to carry and you would feel bad if he did follow and had to crawl the whole time. On the other hand, leaving him after he nearly became a delicacy to plushies the equivalent of piranhas would be an even bigger asshole move. You were conflicted on what to do with him. Not like you could just put him outside and tell him to run to the nearest vet or something either. They'd probably call the FBI if a ginormous bisected plush dog rolled in anyway.

Then would be better to traverse this place with a partner. If DogDay was still here, and if his whole earlier spiel was true, then God knew what else was in this factory. The Smiling Critters might have just been a free sneak peek to what was soon to come..

You gulped, scratching the back of your neck. If everything that DogDay spoke of was true...then he definitely didn't deserve to just be kicked to the curb and left behind in a gift shop of all places.

" you want to come with me? I mean, I'll feel awful if I just leave you here. God knows if those little gremlins will come back." You said, quietly.

DogDay's head perked, his hands moving away from the sun pendant as he began to drag himself across the ground, crawling towards you.

"I'll slow you down, angel. I don't want you to get mad at me.." DogDay's ear flattened as he now laid in front of you, looking up at you. You didn't know how he was feeling. That smile, those soulless eyes...he was creepy, but charming in that creepy old doll way.

You shook your head, brushing him off. "Oh please, you won't slow anything down. You've been here for, like, forever and a day. If anyone could help me navigate this place after so long, it's you."

DogDay just nodded, scooting closer. His look was expectant, in a way. Like he was relying on you. Relying on you for what, exactly? You had no idea. What you did know was that you would need a way to move DogDay along quicker or he would slow you down.

You looked at DogDay, at your grabpack, back at DogDay, and then your grabpack again. You had a crazy idea, but it might have just been crazy enough to work. At least somewhat. You weren't really sure.

You hoisted DogDay up under his armpits, flinching a bit when he let out a slight whine. You slipped the grabpack's straps off slightly, unzipping the pack part of it. And just as you expected, a harness was inside. The harness was added in case an employee would've accidentally gotten stuck somewhere and impossible to get by reaching down without getting stuck yourself. You would just attach the harness to one of the hand cannons, fire it down, let them put the harness on, and then you would pull them back up. Such an incident had never happened at the factory before, but it was a safety precaution.

Instead of attaching the harness to the hand cannon, you attached it to the back of the grabpack. You took the grabpack off your back, placing it on the ground. You practically dragged DogDay over to the grabpack, snapping him into the harness. It was kinda tight on him, but it fit. You then tried to put the grabpack back on.

✫☼☾☁ 𝘈 𝘋𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 ☁☾☼✫ - A DogDay X GN! Reader -Where stories live. Discover now