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(Never look up CatNap on YouTube, this will happen- I just wanted to see someone strangle their CatNap plush...)

You stared at the empty plaque a little longer. Baffling! Befuddling! Either someone spiked your coffee this morning, or that Huggy Wuggy statue was just straight up gone. Eh, it probably wasn't a statue. Looks like DogDay was right.

DogDay finally got a look over your shoulder, staring at the empty pedestal as well.

"Angel, I warned you that this would happen and you didn't listen to me. I suggest that you find Huggy Wuggy first before he finds you." DogDay leaned back against you, gripping your arm somewhat tightly. Possibly out of anxiety because a giant Huggy Wuggy was on the loose? Probably. You just sighed, shaking your head.

"Okay. Yeah. Let's go do that instead of looking for an exit." DogDay shot you a look, like he wanted you to just forget about the exit and focus on not dying to a blue, fuzzy sour patch kid.

You slapped your blue hand against the now restored sensor, waiting for what felt like another year before it opened. When the metal door lifted high enough, you scurried inside. But...something caught your eye.

A blue, fuzzy arm snaked around a door frame, disappearing. There was literally no one else it could've been..

"Hey, DogDay. I think I found our guy."

DogDay didn't even get time to respond before you noticed something. A stairwell, most likely a fire exit, was to your right. "STAIRWAY TO HELL" was written on the little metal sheet stating so rather crudely.

You instantly went for the door, trying to pry it open, but it was locked tight. You tried to kick it open, but were quick to find out that kicking solid metal doors hurts pretty badly. You even thought you saw DogDay shoot you another look. He was getting somewhat annoyed with you.

"Angel. Huggy first. Exit later." DogDay pulled on your sleeve, like it would make you move faster. You rolled your eyes, begrudgingly walking through the door and nearly having a heart attack when a pipe busted and made a loud hissing sound.

As you walked, you couldn't help but feel your shoulders ache painfully. Even with no legs, DogDay had to be at least 200 pounds. Hauling that on your back for long periods of time? Not very fun. You walked through, guess what, yet another door, looking up at the many rows of shelves.

"Huh. The Warehouse. Never thought I'd see myself back here." In all honesty, you hated the Warehouse. Without a grabpack, this place was hell on earth to try to supply. Climbing up and down ladders was a hassle, and trying to haul heavy boxes down as well was not very good for your back. Hell, you had literally pulled a muscle in your back trying to haul a crate of Huggy boxes down a ladder once.

You climbed up the flight of stairs, suffering from the weight of DogDay on your back. Climbing up a damn flight of stairs was almost impossible with the dog on your grabpack, and your shoulders were in agony.

After an agonizing amount of time, you reached the top of the stairs. You threw your grabpack off, but you were still gentle as to not hurt DogDay anymore than he already was. You definitely had to visit the medical bay at some point, but you just couldn't remember where it was..

You plopped down right next to DogDay, letting out a lengthy sigh. Your shoulders were aching a bit less, but still in pain. You had barely walked any distance and you already wanted to take a break. For a toy, DogDay was heavy, which really says a lot considering the fact that he had no legs!

"How're you feeling, DogDay?" You asked quietly, leaning back up against the wall. After a small struggle, DogDay eventually unhooked himself from the grabpack, scooting right next to you.

✫☼☾☁ 𝘈 𝘋𝘰𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦 ☁☾☼✫ - A DogDay X GN! Reader -Where stories live. Discover now