Chapter 8

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Apologies for any typos

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Apologies for any typos. Didn't get a chance to proof read the chapter!


"What do you mean there is someone stalking her?" I glared at Fiza while she sat at her desk at the Police HQ a couple of days after we had realized the double identity of Irfan Khaver.

Unbothered, the woman kept flipping through a file in front of her. "It means there is some anonymous guy harassing her with unwanted attention. Did they not teach you the definition of stalking in training college?" she said in her typically nonchalant tone, which usually served as a source of calm for anyone who worked with her.

Yet, at that moment when I had rushed out of a meeting with the Director of Sindh Rangers and IG of Sindh Police, her indifference was grating my nerves.

"I know what stalking means. I am asking you, why are the two top law enforcers in this province discussing a picture of Ameerah's driver with the disguised version of Irfan Khaver? A picture that apparently you came across while investigating some cards sent to her."

She shook her head in amusement. "You said Ameerah doesn't mean anything to you, so why does it matter?"

"It matters," I insisted.

Fiza smirked, finally looking up at me. "It matters, or she matters?"

She and her crazy personality and unfiltered mouth and the stormy shadows of her eyes - all of her mattered. My erratic heartbeat at the thought of something happening to her was proof enough of that. So, how was I supposed to react when I heard Junaid Bhai tell Major-General Majid that he was worried the man stalking Ameerah was responsible for the death of one colleague and the life-threatening injuries of two others? The ballistics from Haseeb's gun did not match the bullet that ended Bashir's life.

"Please, just answer my question. Is Ameerah in danger?" I implored, not caring if she could see right through me at that moment.

She muttered something under her breath but pushed a manila envelope towards me. "There is no direct threat against her."

Pictures of the cards sent to her were in that envelope. I read through each one, fighting the blend of anger and apprehension surging within me. Meanwhile, Fiza continued, "The only fingerprints we found on them belong to Ameerah and Raja Pervez, her driver."

"But the driver knows Irfan Khaver, hence they must be sent by him?"

"Well, we don't really know if the two are acquainted with each other or just happened to be in the same auto workshop at the same time. I didn't actually see them interact at all. As for who sent the - "

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