6. New Friends

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"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."


Avyanna hadn't seen much of Alistair since the incident in the forest and she knew it was because he had questions to answer to those above him, reports to give on what had occurred.

The people of Ismo continued to cross into Alcott without fear, testing the boundaries, pushing the limits, raiding little villages for food and weapons, attacking anyone who showed resistance.

Stealing Alcott women.

Alcott continued to increase its patrols around the borders, the army's presence quickly seeping into the towns close to the borders to offer protection. 

Avyanna would only feel the mattress move in the nights when Alistair came home to bed.  She would shift towards him in the darkness and only close her eyes again when his arms went around her.  She would sense the shift of his muscles around her, his tension ebbing away as he held her. 

There was a comfort in being together that each of them had quickly become accustomed to.

She could no longer sleep deeply unless he was next her. 

Most mornings he waited for her to wake up before he said his goodbyes to leave with a kiss on her lips.  Sometimes he kissed her and it was bruising and full of yearning, and sometimes it was fleeting, a distracted brush of lips and he was gone.

Every kiss she would savor until the next one.

She was no longer free. 

He wasn't just her husband, she considered him a friend now.

When he was home early then they talked late into the night, and she succeeded in drawing a little of himself out.  His likes.  His dislikes.  They talked, they argued, trying to understand each other at times, coming to terms with their beliefs, their differences.  Usually, they agreed to disagree. Alistair wasn't always eager to talk, he usually just listened, but he indulged Avyanna for the most part and she learned slowly who her husband was. 

Above all, there were days when he made her laugh, and she realized this was the trust and intimacy meant to be shared between a couple.

Avyanna dared to be happy.

She had become less fearful too, of making mistakes... physically.

When they kissed now it was without reservation.  Their kisses were deeper.  She drank him in, all of him.  Avyanna would hold him tighter, closer, her arms around his neck.  Her heart beat beyond the initial fear of the physical and she felt an awakening stir in her that she could not have imagined.

She liked his hands roaming over her body, strong calloused hands exploring her body.

Alistair was more than considerate of her anxiety, understanding of her inexperience.

"If you want me to stop at any time," He broke away from their kiss, the silver of his eyes burning like ice on fire, "Tell me."

He skimmed her skin, tracing his hand tentatively from her neck and lower.

Avyanna nodded. 

"As slow as you need, Avyanna."

She nodded again.

He traced over her breasts gently, and she leaned into him, loving the way his touch felt.

When he pulled her nightdress up and as tentatively grazed her between her legs – the first time Avyanna had jerked against his fingers with a shocked gasp – but when he started to take his hand away she said quickly, "No, it's alright.  You surprised me, that's all – "

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