The Two Witches Meet

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Avyanna and Ada

Avyanna and Ada

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"Who are you?"

"I'm the witch's apprentice. Who are you?"

Ada ambled up the long gravel road that led up to the Nobel's manor.

She pulled her heavy fur trimmed cloak about her shoulders.

She did not hurry up the road to the enormous house that loomed ahead.  Ada took her time absorbing her surroundings as she plodded on.

The estate was peaceful and perfect, the grounds immaculately groomed. The sprawling manor was situated snuggly between a vast dense forest and snow-covered knolls.

The sky above was an impossible blue and Ada breathed in the clean, crisp country air.

Every step on the cold road led her to her desired destination.

In her greenhouse Avyanna was putting rich soil into planters and pots, her seeds soon to be sewn.  The air was thick with the sweet, fragrant smell of earth. The glass walls were frosted with condensation. The panes of glass protected the life in the greenhouse from the cold outside.

She was lost in what she was doing, wrapped in natures embrace, and she did not hear the footman knocking until he pushed the greenhouse door open, and the squeaking hinges made Avyanna look up.  First irritated at being disturbed then she went still, a quiet terror sweeping through her as her thoughts rushed to Alistair.

Why was the footman here?  What news did he bring?

"Yes!"  She said breathlessly.

"Excuse me, Lady Avyanna, you have a visitor."

Her cheeks were tinged pink as she stared at him questioningly, her hand still in the pot of soil, "Who?"

Not a soldier!  Not some Earl Marshal with bad news!

The young man stood straight, half in-half out of the greenhouse, "She wouldn't say, my lady. An elderly lady.  She's in the front room."

Avyanna removed her hand from the pot of soil and wiped it clean on a piece of cloth, "Alright. I'll be there in a moment. Thank you."

The footman gave a slight bow before he exited.

Ada was occupied with thumbing through a book that had been abandoned on a side table. She prized the knowledge found in books, collecting information.  She knew the right kind of knowledge could be a very valuable weapon.

Ada closed the book and looked up as a young woman walked in.

Yes, Ada nodded and put the book down, the young woman was a most sublimely beautiful creature, and she knew without a doubt this was Alistair's wife.

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