007. corpses

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AFTER THE EVENTS WITH SOPHIA, Andrea covered her up with a extra blanket whilst carol went into the rv.

"Hey, you okay? I'm gunna go see carol" Daryl catches my attention, I turn to him and nod.

"Alright, I'll come with you" I respond.

As me and Daryl walked back up to the camp I had tears in my eyes still, I don't know why because I had never met the girl before but Daryl must of noticed and slung his arm around my shoulders which I didn't mind as I needed some comfort right now.

When we got to the rv daryl walked in first and sat on the countertop whilst I sat across from carol as she looked out the window. When she noticed us she turned to look at us.

"I really thought I was gunna see her again" she squeaked out trying not to cry.
"We all did" Daryl replied to her.

Daryl then looked at me and gestured to carol suggesting I should speak to her.

"She's in a better place now, at least she doesn't have to live in this horrible world" I spoke, carol just looked at me with a slight smile before looking back out the window.

Silence surrounded the rv as we knew that the others were digging graves for the people they'd lost.

Lori then made her way up into the rv looking at us all.
"They're ready" she says, "come on"

"Why?" Carol asks, knowing that she will have to face the reality that she will have to bury her little girl.

"Cause that's your little girl" Daryl responds making carol snap her head up at him.

"That's not my little girl" carol she says, "that's some other... thing. My Sophia was alone in the woods. All this time I thought, she didn't cry herself to sleep. She didn't go hungry. She didn't try to find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago"

She was right, we weren't burying the Sophia that carol lost. We were burying the monster that killed her then she had become.

Lori backed out of the rv to give carol some space, Daryl then sighs and stands up
"Come on Millie"

I exhaled and looked at carol sadly as I stood up. I didn't want to leave her all alone at such a vulnerable time, she looked at me and smiled as I made my way out of the rv with Daryl.

When Rick and Shane had buried all the bodies, everyone gathered around the shallow graves. All except carol and I understand her, I wouldn't want to bury and mourn something that wasn't my child.

We all stood and looked at the them remembering what everyone had to go through, for it to not matter at all. I mean Me and Daryl were almost put in a early grave for finding her doll. But I didn't care about that, as long as it brought carol some hope and comfort at the time. It was worth it.

Once everyone started to leave, I went back to mine and Daryl's tent to grab Sophia's doll. I hadn't had a chance to give it to carol yet, but it's the last thing of Sophia she has before she turned.

As I stepped into the rv, I noticed that carol wasn't in the rv but instead carl sat at the table.

"Hey Carl, you seen Carol?" I ask looking at him, "I wanna give her Sophia's doll so she has something of her"

"I saw her leave but didn't ask where she was going" he replied, he was fiddling around with ricks sherif hat on the table, "Im glad Daryl found you Millie when me and my mom left with Shane, my mom and kept asking him if we could go back for you. He kept saying no and that you weren't a priority and were already probably dead, but I didn't want to give up on you. I mean your one of my best friends"

I smiled widely at carls words, that he wanted to come back for me but of course Shane said that and that's because he is the biggest dick to ever live.

"Thanks Carl, im glad Daryl found me too and brought me back here. I'm really starting to like it here with everyone" I reply with a smile, "im just gunna leave Sophia doll here for when carol gets back", I place the doll down and exit the rv exchanging goodbyes with Carl.

I walk into the house to see lori and Andrea talking about Beth being in shock about what happened.

"Hey Millie do you know where Daryl is?" Lori asks me with a little smile.
"Uhm I saw him walk over to the big tree across the field" I reply back to her with a smile, she thanks me and walks out the door behind me.

I walk up the stairs and go into Beth's room.

She's lying there looking up at the ceiling, her skin is pale and she's sweating excessively. I make my way over to her side and touch her hand. I hasn't spoke to Beth much, only at dinner or around the house, we would exchange the odd 'hellos' and 'how are you' but never anything more.

"It's gunna be alright Beth, your gunna be okay" I whisper to her stroking her blond hair. She looks at me and smiles gratefully before looking back to the ceiling. Maggie walks into the room and notices I'm there.

"Oh, hey Millie. You okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah I just overheard lori and Andrea about Beth and wanted to make sure she was alright" I reply looking at Maggie.

"That's very kind of you, but we need to give her some space just until my dad gets back" Maggie says making her way over to me before placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod my head as she guides me back out the room.

When I step outside onto the porch I look down towards the barn and see Shane and T-dog about to burn the walkers they killed, Shane then lights a torch and walks over to the pile of walkers. He lights the pile on fire as he and t-dog strange there and watch.

It would only be a matter of time that the plage would be smelling like burnt corpses.

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