Pull My Strings

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Pacing around the doctor's office, I nervously bit down on my bloodied fingers; it would've been my nails I was anxiously chewing on if I had any. Believe it or not, years and years of chronic nail biting does indeed have its side effects.

"Who is he?" I asked my doctor, nervous sweat rolling down my pale face.

"His name is Carmine Falcone," Jonathan began, after strapping his arms and legs to the beaten down hospital bed. "He betrayed me, threatened to expose me... so you can practice your ability on him."

"I don't know..." I carefully hesitated, breathing slowly, afraid that I may upset him.

"Y/n.." he stepped towards me, holding onto my hands, unbothered by the man with the covered up mouth, yelling and squirming, only a few feet away. "I need you to do this for me," he pleaded, placing a kiss onto my hands.

I caved, not after his cold hands embraced mine and not even after the kiss; no, I caved before that. In fact, I caved the minute I said no, the minute I watched the disappointment take over his face as I said so.

I hated disappointing Jonathan, so I agreed, giving him a simple "Okay."

I watched closely as the traders eyes widen at that, smiling internally. He hurt Jonathan, after all, what kind of a person would I be if I didn't hurt him back?

I stepped carefully towards the man as Jonathan stood behind me, tools in hand. "You can try with a blade first," he speaks emotionlessly, handing me the sharp object.

I took the blade from him, brushing my hand carefully against his as I did so. And I watched eagerly as his breathing hitched from my action.

"Carmine," I started, "this might hurt me a lot more than it does you," his brows furrowed. "So let's hope it works."

And so, just like Jonathan wanted me to, just like he had asked me to, I slowly brought the grayish-silver colored blade up to my left arm, dragging it along the thin flesh of my already-scarred wrist. While doing so, I thought about Carmine Falcone, I thought about how he betrayed my doctor, and I thought about wanting to hurt him for doing so.

More and more blood trickled down my arm before it came to an abrupt stop, it hurt, yes, but only for a second and when it stopped, my head snapped back, looking down at the helpless man as blood instead fell from his wrist. He groans, more from the shock than the pain though.

Jonathan gave a faint smile at the sight. I was unsure though if it was because I managed to do it or if it was because Carmine Falcone, the man who dared to threaten him, was being tortured... or both.

"Good," the doctor stated, staring deeply into my eyes, only half-answering my question.

"Top" said mob boss mumbled, that's what it sounded like anyway; I couldn't really hear it over the tape and so, I ripped it off.

"What was that?" I smiled brightly, leaning into the man's face.

"Stupid bitch," he spat, "When I get outta here-"

Carmine's empty threat was interrupted by Jonathan's fist, "I don't think you're in any position to be making threats," he coldly replied, tilting his head slightly down.

I re-taped the man's mouth, as quickly as I could, and ran back to Jonathan's side, "Now what?" I asked him, eagerly awaiting his next order.

"I'd like to know the extent of your ability," he began, "Like if you can regenerate. But I don't think testing that out is wise, instead we should just focus on using harsher tools."

"For now, let's just finish today's session off with a knife," he stated, handing me said object, "Whenever you're ready."

I, like a puppet, did as he instructed me, once again. Feeling an imaginary set of strings pull at my arms, I brought the knife up, and, feeling Jonathan's presence tower over me, I stabbed it into my hand, to lesson the damages, not wanting to kill the criminal before our experimenting finishes. I groaned slightly, feeling it, again, only for a second, but perk up right after.

The man screamed in horror, feeling the pain much more than the shock that time and Jonathan, that time, grinned widely.

Carmine Falcone's eyes began to tear up as he squirmed around desperately, his body doing the pleading and begging rather than his voice.

"We're done for today, well done, my dear. I'll go let the nurses know we have a cutter," Jonathan calmly stated, wheeling Carmine into the halls.

As I waited for the doctor to get back, I smiled slightly as I began reminiscing on our interactions; from the hand-holding to the hand-kissing to the subtle praises.

Heat rushed to my face and I bit my lips nervously.

"Did I do good?" I asked my doctor, the moment he stepped back into the small room.

"Very," he smiled, brushing hair behind my shoulder, to get a better look at my face. "Much better than I had anticipated. You're a quick learner."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my heart began pounding, I resisted the urge to smile brightly, not wanting to seem too easy.

"Thank you," I leaned into his touch, feeling the need to just jump on him flow so strongly through my body.

He smiled warmly, using his other hand to slowly caress my bare arm, leaving a trail of dancing goosebumps as he did so.

"We only have a couple minutes of our session left," he sighs, removing his arms from my body and turning away.

"A couple minutes is all we need, Doc," I bravely replied, pulling him back in, the rush of adrenaline I was feeling fueling my confidence.

He chuckled lightly, a cocky grin taking over, "Y/n..." he begins, towering over me.

"Doctor?" I innocently smiled, playing with the tie of his suit.

His body pressed against mine caused heat to rush all over, though I managed to keep my composure; despite feeling the tension build up between my thighs, causing my knees to wobble ever so slightly. You would never notice unless you paid very close attention and so I, not wanting him to notice, focused his attention only on the movement of my full, wet lips as I seductively spoke to him.

"What are you doing?" he inquired, with a toothy grin and a tilt of the head.

"Nothing," I told Jonathan as I take his glasses off from his face, wanting to see the blue of his eyes.

"Now, what I want to do on the other hand," I smirked, leaning in, "is this.." I parted my lips lightly and brought them up to his, kissing him hungrily.

He stumbled, a bit taken back, but quickly collected himself as he kissed me back; with something more than hunger, it was greed.

I was only then realizing how little control I had before because, in just a second, he had all the power. Jonathan, after clearing everything from his desk, picked me up and placed me onto it. My back hit the wood hard, causing my breath to hitch and my lips to part, but Jonathan saw this as an opportunity.

He took my lips into his, and sloppily kissed me, pulling his tie off as he did so, then hurriedly moving onto throwing off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt.

I, at the same time, got up to pull my shirt over my head, pulling away from Jonathan in the process. My hands found their way down his chest as I admired his modest, subtle build. He wasn't particularly muscular but he also wasn't scrawny. Jonathan breathed heavily, enjoying the attention he was getting.

He then began admiring my body, just like I did his, trailing his gentle fingers over scars and wounds that littered my body. I looked away, anxiously biting my lip.

Suddenly, he stepped back, and I almost cried as a response, before he dropped to his knees, placing his hands over my waist. I watched the doctor carefully, unaware of what he was about to do. And, he leaned in, also carefully, worried that he may do something I wouldn't like, and pressed gentle kisses over my -what I believed to be- flaws.

"You're perfect," he softly spoke, looking up at me as his kisses continued.

I smiled, blushing profusely, before his kisses came to an abrupt stop when,

"Dr. Crane!" a woman yelled, pounding on his door at the same time, "A patient has escaped!"

His Patient || Jonathan Crane x Reader - Book 1 Where stories live. Discover now