197: People Will Seek Our Autograph in Red Nautilus

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The news about the destruction brought by the two teenagers spread quickly among the spirits in the other carriages. Consequently, all the duoluozhongs in the trains avoided the carriage the two siblings and Lin Sanjiu were in, leaving it nice and clean, with working fluorescent lights that didn't flicker and the rhythmic sound of the train chugging along the tracks.

"Um, what are you if you aren't a duoluozhong?" Reno asked, reclining in his seat. Even though he was quite skinny, he tried to make his actions more mature and unrestrained. His cheerful question drew the attention of his unhappy sister, Rena, who couldn't help but glance their way.

Lin Sanjiu slowly changed her form to state: HUMAN. She seemed rather cold, displaying some sense of superiority, even though she was just an organ. But Lin Sanjiu had no choice because being friendly was too tiring and costly. Using her current form to create words wasn't easy for her, so she didn't want to make a single superfluous word.

When she spelled the word 'stupid,' she was just showing her anger. She had to thank the siblings for their non-stop rivalry. If the brother didn't have the constant urge to make fun of his sister, and if his sister wasn't sensible, Lin Sanjiu would have a hard time escaping from the situation. She was in extreme danger when Reno found her.

Fortunately, despite their differing personalities, the siblings appeared kind-hearted. "If you're human, how did you end up like this?" Rena's curiosity couldn't be contained.

Unfortunately, the question was a little too complicated. If Lin Sanjiu had to control her form to slowly spell out what had happened, she would die from exhaustion. After considering it, she spelled out two words: LONG STORY.

Rena rolled her eyes. "Gah, you're haughty! Brother, duoluozhongs are crafty. Maybe she's some special kind. Don't blame me if something goes wrong."

Reno, unfazed, replied, "Do you think I'm as stupid as you? I used my ability to confirm that she isn't a duoluozhong."

Lin Sanjiu felt a pang of resentment at the reminder of her close call.

When Reno found her, she thought that she was done for. In her Higher Consciousness form, she discovered that she could sense things she had never noticed before, especially when interacting with humans. She could discern her opponent's every breath and other observable information.

Moments ago, cornered by Reno, Lin Sanjiu sensed his strength surpassed his sister's and his stance was firmer. As he muttered and waved his hands, a yellow paper materialized. Anticipating an attack, she gathered all her Higher Consciousness and braced herself, but the paper vanished with a snap.

In her Higher Consciousness form, she detected a faint impurity flowing within her 'body.'

'Is this his attack?' Lin Sanjiu wondered.

"Huh? That's weird. My [Almanac] only reacts like this to humans."

[Did you check your almanac before leaving your house today?]

It's a pity that modern youth overlook the importance of traditional calendars. Doesn't everyone know how awesome almanacs are? How many generations of imperial astronomers have poured their efforts into systems, divination, astronomy, and trigrams to create the perpetual calendar. Yet, they're disregarded today, a lamentable trend. This ability emerged to revive Chinese tradition.

Effects: Functions like a curse. The user summons an almanac page, influencing their opponent (it doesn't have to be an enemy) with its fortune predictions for a random duration. The attack has 100% accuracy and cannot be evaded.

Note: The page's content and effects are random, sometimes even benefitting the opponent.

PS: The curse only affects humans. Almanac pages have been used for exorcism and to drive away evil, making them effective weapons. If the opponent is human, the curse activates first; otherwise, combat abilities engage or whatever else according to the user's wishes.

Upon realizing the paper posed no direct threat, Lin Sanjiu seized the opportunity to communicate, spelling out words. However, their exchange ended in awkward silence, both glancing at each other.

Lin Sanjiu struggled to spell: WHAT IS MY FORTUNE?  but Reno grasped her message.

"Um..." he hesitated, appearing unsure how to respond. "I have a carbon copy here. You can see for yourself."

This was why Lin Sanjiu felt sullen when the topic was brought up.

"So, bro, what's on that page?" Rena asked eagerly, her earlier annoyance replaced by amusement, ready to laugh at the brain before her.

Reno coughed. "It says energies for the day are suitable for marriage but... unsuitable for consummation."

Unlike her brother, Rena was unabashed about such matters. She slapped her thighs and burst into laughter, teasing, "Must be tough controlling those urges!" reveling in her perceived victory over the brain's questioning of her intelligence.

Unable to express her emotions, Lin Sanjiu felt stifled. She transformed into two large exclamation marks, but it was useless.

Once Rena's laughter subsided, Lin Sanjiu inquired about the siblings' backgrounds.

"We're well-known in Red Nautilus," Rena boasted, her chin raised proudly, eyes sparkling. "Anyone who's been there a while would've heard of us."

However, Lin Sanjiu had never even heard of Red Nautilus.

"You're such a country bumpkin! Have you heard of the Twelve Worlds Centrum?"

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