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Mathematics,  the first period on the schedule for each and every day , and it's on the double. They are really, seriously trying to make us hate school more than we already do. But on the contrary I don't think it's such a bad idea. I mean mathematics after lunch just doesn't make any sense at all.

Our class teacher/mathematics teacher is a very pretty and petite young lady. Trust me I'm not into her but I don't see any reason why one wouldn't be. She's the epitome of perception. Beauty and brains, the whole package. It's not the package however that draws my attention, but it's the interaction between her and Luke. If I didn't know better, I'd say they have something going on and that's my way in.

A hand gets slammed on my desk and reality becomes clearer.

"The answer please or are you here to grin all day?"

I look at her , dazed by her beauty but her words aren't nice at all.

"Please repeat the question, I didn't quite catch it." I stutter.

"There was no question. Your not paying any attention. You can't be this careless as a newbie."

I wish I could say that she sounds concerned but it sounds like she's just saying it for the sake of saying it.

"Oh don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

I can see the amusement in her eyes as she scoffs.

"This school has a waiting list but I was enrolled, three quarters in. I got in so I'll be fine."

"And your name is?"

"It's on the name tag" I point at it.

"They usually don't write your real name there." She turns around and walks towards the front of the class. "Goes to show how dull you really are."

Luke bursts out into uncomfortable laughter.

"Luke be nice."

I notice how the teacher's voice is much softer when she's addressing Luke as opposed to me or anyone else.

"I'm sorry but I can't believe she bought that crap about the name tag and helping teachers to remember our names. She didn't even read it." He laughs out louder and everyone joins in.

"It's a joke. The prefects are making fun of you, and you walked right into it." He's even crying and I just want to slap him.

I take off the name tag and read it.

Hi my name is Michaela "the insufferable and proud know it all" Sangweni.

I'm guessing these prefects are the ones who read our motivational letters. But still I don't regret asking Thembi to write one for me. She definitely overdid it I blindly trusted her without reading it. She knows me better anyone I guess and we had a good relationship, even though I had to pay for it.

Thembi is the reason I could get into this school and I'm the reason for her elevation in the local newspaper. I bribed her to put me on the first page and write ravishingly about my performance at the school. The school appreciated the good publicity so much that she got offered exclusive scoops and the newspaper got popular, online and offline, because of that. She got poached by other bigger newspapers but she refused them.

"Well then it is what it is. I'm not ashamed of who I am. Joke or not." I put back the name tag proudly.

Luke chokes on his own laughter.


The week slowly drags itself into the weekend just because I'm eagerly looking forward to it. Friday is proving to be relentless too.

The last bell dismisses us but I can't leave just yet. I have just one little errand to fullfil before ridding myself from this place only to be back after two days.

As I'm about to enter into our classroom, Luke is rushing out.

"Sorry." He's unaware of me and I couldn't care less about his indifferent apology.

Our missus looked flushed and gives me a million ideas.

"Can I help you?" She seems a bit vulnerable. I caught her off guard.

"You see, I have a request and things will be so much easier if you co-operate"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Why would you think I'm threatening you?"

"What do you want." She composed herself quickly.

"I need Luke's grades..."

Her eyes widen as soon as I mention Luke's name.

"What... What for?"

"That's none of your business. I can't go to all his teachers because I'm not familiar with them and I'm very sure you have them in your possession."

"Luke's, I mean my students' information is strictly confidential." She clears her throat.

"I'd suggest keeping your affairs confidential. Your clandestine affairs, that is."

"What are you on about?"

"I'm very persuasive. It wouldn't take long to convince someone to 'break their silence ' and before you know it, others will be motivated to speak out."

"I'm also very persuasive." She retaliates and it just riles me up.

"Probability. What are the chances of either of us surviving an investigation?"

"You're barking up the wrong tree. Stay in your lane." She grits her teeth like a dog who's protecting her puppies.

I slip out a piece of paper.

"That's my email address." I tap on it. "Before the end of business day"

I walk out of the room, with pride.

Pride comes before a great fall.

These are words that do not apply to me. If I fall I get up again and try once more. If I fall and break my legs, I'll crawl out and still strive for more but either way, I will succeed.

High school: A cheesy love story Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora