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I get that I was harsh on Ficelle but sulking all day and acting like a brat is just being a childish snob. In my defence she did say some mean things to me but here I am defending her honour whilst our father roasts her in her absence.

She can't sulk forever, at some point she will come home, face the music and talk to me. I might be reaching with the last point but she will give up the cold shoulder and silent treatment eventually. Maybe in a week or two to be more precise.

My phone vibrates and I check it beneath the dinner table. I know my parents are starring at me with different levels of inquisitiveness and conspicuosnes. Dinner and dessert was done and dusted a while ago but my dad is still having a fit and he's as red as a tomato.

I read the message from Siya, informing me that Ficelle has just left from his place. I let out a sigh of relief. Atleast there's one sane and mature person in that relationship. With what I have to put up with, I'm sure my friend goes through so much more and he still keeps it together and holds it down for the both of them. He is truly the better man and I couldn't have asked for a perfect boyfriend for my one and only twin sister.

My eyes revert back to the parents. I start with my father because it's scary in that territory then I move them towards the woman who gifted me her beautiful eyes. Warm and safe as her look of assurance reassures me.

"It's not her." I lie. The things we do for our spoilt sisters but then blood is thicker than water. I'm sure they'll both understand.

My father angrily pushes himself out of the chair. He gives my mother a cold stare and I just want to punch. Heaven and hell both know that'll be the last thing I do on this earth and the only thing they'll do is to debate which of the two places would suit me best. Unfortunately for now, the only thing I can is be a coward and cave.

After I've counted minutes on the ticking wall clock during an awkward conversation with my mother, I head outside.

I wait for Ficelle at the front door. She'll never use the window. She too sassy and cocky for that, plus she knows that I'll be waiting for her.

My teeth have gathered a rhythm by the time she arrives and it's broken when I scold her.

"Where have you been?! It's freezing out here!" I try to keep my voice down even though I want to shout.

"I took a detour. Thought I'd get some food. Figured there'd be no dinner for me. And besides no asked you to wait for me." She too relaxed in Siya's gigantic coat. Her sarcasm takes me from pissed off to downright mad. But I have to keep it together for peace sake.

"Your pa is mad." My tone is neutral.

"Soon the tomato will rot. He does this all the time and he'll get over it this time too."

"I wish I was you." I truly envy her and her free spirit.

"Sucks being you." She laughs. It comes out as a painful snort at first and all the pain is felt by me.

"So am I forgiven?"

"No!" She tries to push past me but I block her.

"Come on, I'm being excruciatingly nice here. Cut me some slack woman!"

"Yay! You learnt a new big word." I swear she was made up of sarcasm. "One problem, wrong context. Dad is paying way too much money at that school."

"Come on Ficelle, I'm trying here. I know you're worried but she's probably just a fling and I'm lucky if any of my flings let me kiss them, let alone hold their hands."

Her mouth becomes a huge oval shape. She's genuinely shocked.

"That's a huge confession right there." Her cackle hurts my feelings. "You're a virgin." She mouths with absolutely no sound escaping her lips as if it's the biggest secret in the world.

"I'll never hear the end of it," I say to myself.

"You're pure." Her laughter is the kind that causes a heartache for days and remains forever etched in your mind as a cringe memory.

"If you care to know, your pa was complaining about illegitimate babies and your mother was asking me if you're having protected sex."

"I get the feeling that she asked if  we're having protected sex."

I was hoping to change the subject but as always Ficelle is a pain in the ass, a pain that won't go away.



Paint is dripping all over my hands and there are splatters on my body.

My mother walks into my room and she quickly covers her eyes.

"Please cover up!"

"Seriously woman! You birthed me. Throw a dollar at something you haven't seen here, I'll gladly take it and besides we have the same anatomy." I roll my eyes and continue with my work.

"It's uncomfortable."

"Oh mother!" I feign shock with my right hand landing on my chest, leaving five fingers and a palm of paint between and over my breasts.

"Are you bisexual?"

"Did you manage to get all of the paint?"

"Oh mother it's been a year and a half since I came back and you're only recalling it all now... I'm heartbroken."

"Are those eyes?" Another diversion.

"No. They are circles."

"Oh my goodness, they are eyes. Is that an ocean inside of them? This is beyond words, you have quite the talent." Her compliments are earnest but there's just something missing. I want her to love me, not love me in the moments she picks out.

"The real and true talent here is you mother." I snort. "Seeing oceans in eyes."

I look at the painting, knowing very well that she is right.

"Is this what we going to do, sarcastically make fun of me?"

"Yes mother, this is what we usually do isn't it? We avoid the big white elephant in the room. It takes up all the space and the air but we somehow forget that we're suffocating." I hate the cracks in my voice because I know she couldn't care less about my feelings.

"Your dad wants to see you this weekend."

I scoff. Why do I even try.

"I don't want to see him."

"Well he's coming to fetch you."

"Well that would be the day, wouldn't it?"


Hello my dearest gentle readers, it's Bridgeton season in a few days so I'll apologize in advance if I don't update as often. I apologize again for not updating for so long, I've been going through it.

But fear not , there might be a double update soon.

How is the story so far? Tell me what you think about the 'fling'? Are you team Ficelle or team Luke?

And my fellow Bridgeton babies, Who's your favourite Bridgeton and why?

Mine is Benedict 🥺 he's too cute. Can't wait to see my favourite couple (Kanthony) and of course my gorgeous queen.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Happy reading 🖤

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