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Aurora returned to the cave. She was no longer safe here. She quickly gathered her things, but first took her mother Medusa's grimoire which spoke of the gods. She had become their enemy by promising them revenge. She was about to run away when suddenly Léon, Jules, Eléonore, Alexandre appeared.

Aurora: It is very low of the gods to send the gods in their place.
Eléonore: Hey, how dare you!!! Little ingrate if they were there
Jules: you would probably be dead so thank them for still being alive.
Jules started to get angry and lightning appeared. They destroy the cave.
Aurora: Yes of course. I would thank them for killing my mother.
A silence reigned then Aurora fled.

When the day arrived, Aurora got ready to go to the funeral. She didn't wear black, she wore green to pay homage to her mother, a long green dress that highlighted her. The funeral took place in a temple of Athena. The doors opened and Aurora entered. All eyes were on her, even if she is only his adopted daughter she looks like him. She was as beautiful as her mother was. Aurora arrived at Demeter who took her in her arms.

Demeter: I'm sorry.
Aurora: Not as much as me.
Demeter: I see that the desire to take revenge is very present in you. Be careful and don't forget my daughter, they are gods. You cannot be like them in terms of evildoing.
Aurora: Yes you are right, I will not be like them in terms of evildoing. No, I will be worse.
Aurora was about to leave when suddenly Demeter took her arm.
Demeter: Be careful!! Remember, I am your mother's friend and not her enemy. I will always open my arms to you.
Aurora nodded and went to position herself in a corner of the temple.

Alexendre: I know everything!!
She was surrounded by the four teenagers.
Aurora: Sorry?
Alexandre: we know about your powers and the 14 jewels. But also for your mother. She's alive.
Aurora: My mother is what?
Leon: Hades kidnapped her, he knows about your powers and wants to use them against others. Your mother is perfect at being able to manipulate you.
Eléonore: And since we are the perfect children of the gods, we will help you.
Aurora: Thank you, but I don't need your help.

Then suddenly a shrill cry came from inside. Everyone ran up and saw Athena crying.
Athena: she is horrible horrible... Aurora is a monster.
A snake had bitten him, the most venomous of them. Aurora approached them and said.
Aurora: I warned you that I was going to take revenge; And the snake isn't the only gift.
Poseidon: What is she talking about?
Aurora: destroying the most perfect of its temples is a very beautiful revenge.
Poseidon: And people!!!!
Aurora and Athena: alive
Aurora: And that's already very good. I took them out first.

Athena and Poseidon: How?
Aurora: It's a mystery that will remain a mystery, be careful Poseidon, you will be next.

Athena collapsed on the ground, blood came out of her mouth. She was taken care of by other gods then Aurora came out and was about to leave when Alexander grabbed her arm.

Alexander: You don't understand. Destroying their temple or poisoning them might be impressive, but what will happen to you afterwards if they find out you have all 14 jewels. They may not kill you or get revenge for the rule they broke by killing your mother, but they will if they know who you really are.
Aurora: What do you want to keep quiet?
Alexander: There you go! You ! I WANT YOU.
Aurora: Never!!
Alexander: I don't really give you a choice. Choose wisely, your mother's life depends on it; who will save her for you. Nobody.

The daugther of Médusaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें