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It's been a month since Aurora was a prisoner. No gods or demigods were attacking him, they were far too afraid of dying.
Aurora, she bit her nails morning and night; she was afraid for her mother and Alexander did not intend to help her. Apparently it was too dangerous. They get along better. She was in love with Alexander this week. She told him and Alexander had welcomed him with open arms.

She was in her room when suddenly the door opened to reveal Eléonore who firmly grabbed her hand and took her with her. They were running. Aurora didn't understand anything then suddenly when they left the castle. The soldiers surrounded them. And his love comes between "Alexander".
She was going to join him, but Eléonore stopped her.

Eléonore: Aurora you don't love him, he bewitched you.
Aurora: No, you're lying. Isn't that right (she looked at Alexander who only nodded.)
Eléonore threw a powder in his face which made him come to his senses. She was indeed bewitched. She was going to slit his throat. When she tried to approach him, Elénore stopped her.
Alexander: Eléonore stop, she will never love you.
Eléonore: I know. She likes a boy and I'm not a boy.
Then Eléonore used a pendant which allowed her to disappear with Aurora.

Aurora: What happened?
Eléonore: Alexander bewitched you because he thought you would never fall in love with him. Which is not true, you are already in love with him, but you don't want to admit it. I didn't think he had the right to force you to be in a relationship with him like that.
Aurora: I'm not in love with him.
Eléonore: Oh stop, I saw the way you looked at him. How you calm down when you see him.
Aurora: And how did I look at him?
Eléonore: Like me, I looked at you and like I wanted you to look at me.

Aurora: Sorry?
Eléonore did not give Aurora time to do anything and kissed her.
But Aurora pulled away from fucking herself.
Aurora: I don't like girls.
Eléonore: Sorry, I needed to know what I feel, I no longer have feelings for you. They are for Leon now. I was in love with you. But I was making fun of you so that you would notice me, I did the same technique as Alexander, but he succeeded.
An awkward silence reigned.

Eléonore: I want to help you save your mother. Let me help you apologize for the nasty things I did to you. You know better than anyone that Alexander wasn't going to help you. Besides, he lied to you. Or earlier we lied to you. It was Demeter who captured your mother when Hades captures them, they are pulverized, but in part. Demeter cast a spell before the fight. At first I didn't understand why, but now I do. She wants to trap you.

Aurora: Demeter?
Eleonor: I knew you wouldn't believe me so easily so I have proof. I spied on him and I have the recording.
After hearing the recording which only proves Eléonore's words.
Eléonore: So, then I helped you?
Aurora: You are my only and best choice. I'll accept if you promise not to kiss me again. (with a mocking grin)
Eléonore: Promised (with a big smile) and still sorry.
Aurora: It's nothing.
Eléonore: Head to the Temple of Demeter!!!!
Aurora: Head to the Temple of Demeter!

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