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"Ibadat,,, Ibadat" I heard my name from downstairs. "Yes, Ammi" I replied. " Come down stairs and help me Or you are going to watch your Korean boys for the whole night " She was almost shouting. " But i already completed my whole work ammi" I replied. "You didn't make the Night Tea for your appa Ibadat,, Now come and make it". I took a deep breath and closed my laptop and replied" Yes amma coming " I went to downstairs and make a cup of tea for my appa and my younger brother then I again went to the room and started watching the Run BTS episode. After some time I heard my phone vibrates I looked at that and it was a notification of Salah it was the time of Isha. I closed my laptop again and went to the bathroom and performed my Ablution then I took my Salah Mat from the drawer and spread it on the floor and started my Prayer Saying "Bismillah " "I'm praying 4 Sunnat Rakats for Allah with my face is facing kaba Allah Hu Akbar"
I completed my 17 rakat of isha with the method 4 Sunnah 4 farz 2 sunnah 2 nafil 3 witr and 2 nafil and spread my hands in front of Allah(SWT) with making sure that my hands are making a shape of a bowl and near to my chest as it's the right way to make dua and I started my dua with
"Durud-e-ibrahim" Then "Surah Fatiha" Then "Rabbana Aatina" Then I read a dua

" لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ."
"La Ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zolimeen"

It's also known as
Dua Yunus" or the "Prayer of Jonah.which means "There is no god but You, glory be to You; indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers."

I know that the one who read this Dua before making Dua then the Dua of that person will be surly accepted.
After reading all those things I started

"Ya Allah, Ya Rabbul Azeem, Ya Malik, Ya Rab, Forgive all the sins of Mine my family and my all the friends ya allah please accept our Tauba please accept us as your dear servant Ya Allah please forgive us all Ya Allah please give everyone Hidayat and save us from the fire of Jahannam Ya Allah please save us,,,,, tears were flowing but
As soon as I asked Allah about that person tears started flowing badly I started crying hardly. Ya Allah please save him from the Hell fire Ya ilahi Ya Rab please save him ya Rab he's innocent don't know anything Ya Rab please accept him as your servant Ya Allah please give him Hidayah Ya Allah
Ya Allah please give him Hidayah Ya ilahi you don't need words you know what's in my heart I'll never ask for anything else just give him Hidayah"

As soon as those words left from my mouth I cried more loud and hard
After some time I ended my Dua with "Durud-e-ibrahim" And wiped my tears,,,,I was sobbing.

I sat down on the corner of my bed and started thinking why In the 8Billion of people my heart fell for that boy who's a well known celebrity Musician and more then that he didn't even believe in God and was also unaware of my existence I was always an introvert girl with less friends I only have my sister Ayesha and one best friend Name Aroosh and I love them more then my life they means the world to me I am not close to anyone else other then them

Authors POV

IBADAT was so broken when she got cheated by her friend. She used to like a boy they texted each other for 10 to 15 days but she found him cheating on her with her old best friend and it was so hard for her to accepting that truth and the reason he told her to cheat was she wore Naqab and never let him touch her
She let it go and relied on Allah(SWT) and then she found her real half soul Aroosh and realised that her love for him was haram as they were in relationship with each other and also got to know about that the boy she used to like left her Old best friend too for another girl and it was so easy for him to move on and exchange girls a new girl every month( Astagfirullah) she Thanks to Allah (SWT) for saving her from a boy like him and also a friend like her.
She kept asking for Allah's forgiveness.
She used to think that she had a lot of pain,,she ruined her past and so many other things but then Allah SWT showed her a boy who had more pain then her but he was still making everyone happy

Tawakkul-o-ta'at //Suga ' NovelWhere stories live. Discover now