Chapter Two - Instant Sparks

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Alyssa brushed the feeling away, but she couldn't help but be aware of his piercing gaze, which was fixated on her. It unnerved her, a feeling totally new to her since she was used to receiving male attention wherever she went. She swam to the pool's edge, annoyed at her own reaction to the attractive devil who resembled the Donnelly brothers. He was the one and only Nicholas Donnelly, her brother's sworn enemy, and hence hers as well.

"None of your business!" she said as she emerged from the water to rush towards the house, but her skin flushed with colour as she felt his intense gaze on her, checking her out. Feeling totally exposed despite being clad in a turquoise bikini that clung to her like a second skin, Alyssa was eager to get away from the man and her reaction to him.

"Of course, it's my concern! I wouldn't want our guests to be electrocuted in the middle of a storm!" Alyssa noticed his deep tone, yet strangely, his voice lacked warmth. On the contrary, he appeared to be furious with her for some inexplicable reason. Alyssa wiped herself with the towel she picked up.

"Spare me the fake concern." She wrapped the towel about herself and turned to walk away, but he was faster. He gripped her hand to stop her from walking away, startling her completely.

"Will you drop the attitude? I was just being nice to you." His eyes darkened as he gazed at her fiercely while Alyssa struggled to break free. She truly regretted at that point for not listening to her brother. She should never have come here in the first place. Would Nicholas Donnelly hurt her?

"You don't need to be nice to me. Now excuse me, I need to change." She faked a bored tone, despite the fact that she was terrified.

"Thank me well enough, and you may leave." Her eyes was drawn to his ocean-hued ones, and she couldn't help but wonder where she'd seen them before.

"I have nothing to thank you for," she remarked tartly, wanting to get away because his proximity was bothering her for reasons she couldn't comprehend. It felt like she'd been close to him before, like she had seen him before.

"I could stand the entire night with you here, Alyssa." Alyssa's eyes widened in surprise. How did he know her name? Was it because of Alex that he knew her? Her gaze scanned his face but found nothing except arrogance and impatience.

"But what should I thank you for?" She was clueless, her wide eyes gazing up into his angry ones.

"For saving you from the storm. I needn't have since you're the enemy." Alyssa's eyes widened further. So, he knew who she was! He was worse than Marcus!

She gave him a fake smile. "Thank you!" Her sugary sweetness, although fake took him by surprise.

Suddenly loud thunder boomed across the sky and Alyssa jumped closer to Nicholas, scared of getting electrocuted.

Nicholas froze, not having expected that since she was the sister of their enemy, the wicked Alexander Van Every. He hadn't forgotten the way Alexander had assaulted him on that fateful day for no fault of his. His thoughts returned to that day at school when he first held her in his arms. Did she not remember him at all? Despite the fact that it had been ten years, he had not forgotten her. Unable to control himself, he threw his arms around her and drew her into his arms, flush against his body.

Alyssa's heart skipped a beat or two as she felt crushed against Nicholas' strong, powerful torso. Before she could react, Nicholas released her and went into the house, not looking back even once.

His strange actions took Alyssa by surprise, but there was no time to ponder over it. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, making her jump and rush into the house. Thankfully, Nicholas was not present, and she crept into her room to shower and change.

When she emerged from her room, it was pouring outside. There was a raging storm and she couldn't help but feel thankful that she came inside on time. Everyone was watching the rain, and Alyssa sat next to Sienna and Eva. She was aware of Nicholas' piercing gaze upon her as he stood by the glass window with Alexia.

Alyssa didn't look him in the eyes, clearly embarrassed by her encounter. Why did she have to cling to him, of all people on the planet? What he might be thinking of her? Her phone buzzed with an incoming call from Alex, which she ignored because she didn't want to endure his lecture.

"Take his call or else he'll be here by tomorrow," Sienna whispered, but Alyssa shook her head.

"I'm not a child. I don't think I have done anything wrong. He shouldn't be bothering me in this way. I'm here just for your wedding, and I'll return when it's over. It's pointless to call me, anyway. I'm not going back now." However, Alexander contacted Eva next, and they exchanged nervous looks, sensing his desperation.

"I'll try to pacify him," Eva remarked as she stood up. When she returned, everyone was watching a movie and eating cheesy popcorn, mozzarella sticks, and meatball lollipops. Sienna sat next to Lucas, cuddling against him and cradling Alexia's head in her lap.

Alyssa sat next to Sienna, but she felt distracted by Nicholas, who was a bit too close for comfort. Alyssa couldn't move an inch with his arm brushing against hers every time she moved. His nearness affected her so much, she was unable to erase the permanent flush from her cheeks. As such, she couldn't do justice to the food or the movie.

"I don't bite." His husky whisper made her jump, and she turned her head toward him, but quickly realized her mistake. With his face inches away from hers, and his ocean blue eyes sparkling like aquamarine crystals as they held her gaze, Alyssa was under a spell. In the dark room, with the huge LCD screen providing the only source of light, she could clearly see his sharp profile silhouetted against it. She couldn't take her gaze away and wondered where she had met him previously. If she had met him earlier, she was certain she would have remembered. You couldn't easily forget such a drooling sexy man! Could you?

"You're staring, Alyssa. Have you forgotten who I am?" He chuckled, and turned away, concentrating on the movie while Alyssa seethed inwardly. How could she be so naïve? He was taunting her, provoking her to react to him. She would never give him the satisfaction of seeing her succumb to his charms. He was the enemy, and he would be for the rest of his life!

"Asshole!" Alyssa muttered to herself but Nicholas turned and winked at her, making her fume even more. Eva trudged towards Hayley and sat down to watch the movie. She had tried everything she could to persuade Alexander to drop his case, but he was stubborn and short-tempered. He fought with her unnecessarily until she got annoyed and disconnected the call. Now she dreaded his next move as much as Alyssa did.

Sienna and Lucas quickly exited the room, disinterested in the film and so did Alyssa after a few minutes.

She stepped out onto the open deck to get some fresh air. The rain had ceased, and the entire island looked refreshing, bathed under the faint rays of the setting sun. Outside, it was a truly romantic and tranquil atmosphere. Alyssa stood, admiring the amazing vistas all around her. She took a step down and headed for a walk to clear her mind.

She had avoided checking her phone, aware of the number of missed calls that had added up since Alexander noticed she had left. Would he arrive here to create a scene? She was curious about what exactly happened between him and the Donnelly brothers to make them sworn enemies! Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she gazed around the area she had come to.

There was slush, broken branches, twigs, and puddles everywhere, making the place too slippery for a stroll. She panicked, wondering how in the world she landed up here! Her slipper-clad feet suddenly slid on the slush, and she felt herself plummeting.

"Aaah," she yelled, grabbing a tree branch to save herself, but the branch snapped and she fell into a muddy pond, spoiling her clothes and beautiful locks.

A loud chuckle from behind her made her freeze and turn to see who had a death wish now! Her eyes widened when she noticed Nicholas Donnelly standing beneath the branches, laughing at her predicament rather than assisting her.

"Wow, it seems you're in for a mud bath!" He laughed again, making Alyssa's blood boil with rage.

"Donnelly, stop laughing and be a man! Help me out." She glared at him as he took his time approaching her with an amused twinkle in his eye. He extended his hand to her, and she clasped onto it, their eyes locked on each other. Before he could pull her out, Alyssa yanked him down into the mud with her!

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