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Ironwood: I'm sorry, but you've left us with no choice.

Yang: But he attacked me!

Ironwood: Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise.

Weiss: But Yang would never do that!

Ruby: Yeah!

Rex: Come on, James. Yang wouldn't do it on purpose, and you know it.

Ironwood: You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did... under normal circumstances. But I believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past...

Yang: But I wasn't-

Ironwood: That's ENOUGH!

Zach: Hey! Lay off her, James.

Rex: Uncle Zach!

Ironwood: This does not concern you, Zach. How did you get in here?

Zach: Apparently, it does. I had to deal with your robo-pets. When I saw the match, I noticed that when Yang beated Mercury and was walking past him, she seemed to hear and see something. Mercury was the one who attacked you, right?

Yang: Finally! Somebody gets me.

Zach: I know something was wrong. Yang, for what you saw in that match was an illusion.

Rex: An illusion?

Ironwood: Are you suggesting someone tricked Yang?

Zach: Yeah. (Pulls out his scroll and checks the photos he caught) Emerald Sustrai. Her semblance can make you see everything but the real deal.

Rex: I thought Emerald is one of the good guys.

Zach: Believe me, she's not. Her and Mercury.

Ironwood: So you're suggesting that Mercury and Emerald set Yang up?

Zach: Exactly. And you almost forgot about one thing on Mercury. His legs aren't real.

Ruby: What do you mean they're not real?

Zach: They're metal.

Rex: What!? Wait. How did you know about them?

Zach: I've been all around the world. I've kept my eye on them everywhere. Whenever you guys see them, stay away from them.

Ironwood: You do make a good case, Zach. I'll send someone to question those two, but the sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw Yang attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform her that... she is disqualified.

Yang's shock turns into miserable understanding when she looks to the ground, and Ironwood leaves the room. Team REBL comes into their dorm.

Elena: We heard everything next door.

Rin: It's a good thing you found the culprit, Uncle Zach.

Zach: What can I say? I'm an expert detective.

Briana: Pfft! Yeah right.

Yang: You guys believe me, right?

Rex: Of course, we do!

Ruby: Duh!

Weiss: You're hotheaded, but not ruthless.

Briana: Girl, I trust you.

RWBY Volume 1-9 OCWhere stories live. Discover now