back to school and work/preview

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I'm gonna add some notes at the beginning here. The preview will be at the end of the chapter. Please tell me what you think of the chapter and leave some ideas for the new story title as I am having trouble coming up with one anyway on with the chapter

Luna car pulled up to Royal Woods Elementary School alright kiddo here we are, Lincoln got out of the car. Bye, mom, see you after school. Lincoln said as he walked into the school. Luna smiled and drove to work inside the school. Lincoln walked down the halls to his locker he found it and went to open it after he got what he needed he closed it to head to his first class, and he entered the classroom all but one desk already taken Lincoln walked back to the desk and sat down and noticed who he was next to oh hey Lincoln Clyde said hey Clyde what's up Lincoln responded with a smile alright class welcome back I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and today we have a returning student Lincoln Loud Ms Johnson said Lincoln would tell us what happened and why you were gone Ms Johnson asked it was my crazy father trying to come and take me away Lincoln said oh I see Ms Johnson said but quickly regained her composure

Luna's work

Luna entered the building to be greeted by Sam. Hey Luna, welcome back, Sam said thanks, Sam, so what's first? Luna asked well we just got some new merchandise that needs to be put out on the shelves. I'll have you start with that Luna nodded and headed into the back when she made it to the back she saw a large pallet with all the new merchandise how am I supposed to unpack all of that Luna asked turning to Sam don't worry you'll have some help Sam said as a man entered the back room Luna this is Greg he started last week Sam said hey Greg names Luna said Luna ya what ever let's just get this over with Greg said in an annoyed tone Luna looked to Sam and asked what's with him he's the owners son and is able to get away with what ever he want if someone tries to report him they get in trouble instead he's already inappropriately touched a few of the other works if you get my point Sam said Luna sighed and said thanks for the heads up oh here you'll need this to cut the shrink rap and open the boxes Sam said as she handed Luna a work knife Luna took it and went to cut the shrink rap with Greg leaning against the wall with his eyes closed he opened one eye to admire Luna's backside as Luna was about to cut the final piece of the rap she felt a firm slap against her ass she was about ready to rip him a new one when she remembered what Sam said he's the owners son he's able to get away with anything he please memory Sam said Luna just ignored him and cut the final bit of the shrink rap as Luna reached up to the top of the stack of boxes to grab one Greg though it would be funny to tip the stack down on to her as Greg leaned against it began to tip Luna noticed this and quickly moved out of the way oops my bad Greg said mockingly are you nuts I could have gotten hurt Luna said angrily that's not my problem Greg said Luna just sighed and began to open and put the merchandise onto the shelves

Royal Wood Elementary

Lincoln was making his way out of the building when someone got in his way. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about this earlier but never got the chance a Girl Lincoln's age asked. Oh well, ask away Lincoln said what happened to your father the Girl asked oh I'd rather not talk about it Lincoln said looking uncomfortable oh that's ok what was your name aging I forgot the Girl asked Lincoln and your asked Lincoln I'm Girl Jordan responded Girl Jordan Lincoln then looked to her slightly confused then asked Girl Jordan why the Girl part before your actual name well their are two Jordan's Boy Jordan and me you know you think it would be easy to tell the difference between a boy and a girl especially when I'm wearing a skirt Girl Jordan said ya you would thinks so Lincoln said as they exited the building when Girl Jordan noticed her parents car oh their are my parents right their see you later Lincoln Girl Jordan said as she got into the car with Luna pulling up just after they left hey kiddo how was your day Luna asked as she drove off after her son got in the car and headed for the house

End of Chapter 13

And now, for the Im sure some of you have been waiting for the preview of the new story

The new Batgirl and Robin (the title is a work in progress)

A mistress figure up on a rooftop is watching three kids walk down the street, and eventually, they turn down an alley way the figure quickly moves to a building up above the alley way to where he could now hear them here this should be good to set up camp for the night how are you how are you and Lisa felling little bro asked a girl in purple where good Luna what about you asked a boy with hair as white as snow I'm fine Lincoln I'm more concerned about you and Lisa suddenly a group of six thugs approached them with pipes and wooden baseball bats and one thug even had a gun on him Luna saw this and quickly passisened herself in front of her younger siblings give up every thing you got thug 1 said as he pulled out his gun and pointed at them Luna slowly reached for the bag she had brought with them when suddenly a sharp object knowed the gun out of the thugs hand the figure then landed on the ground between the three kids and the thugs oh shit it's the Bat let's get out of here said thugs 6 as he dropped his weapon and ran away Thug 5 attempted to attack the Bat with his pipe but his attack was counted and he was then kicked in the stomach and sent flying into a wall after that they all attacked the Bat at once in an attempt to take him down but they didn't stand a chance after only a minute all of the thug expected for thug 1 were down for the count thug 1 quickly picked his gun back and said get lost freak oh this isn't gonna end well for you the Bat quickly moved in knowed the gun away once again before punching the thug in the face knocking him out cold The Bat then looked to the kids and asked are you three alright where fine who are you three and what are you doing out this late asked the Bat I'm Luna and these two here are my little siblings this one on my left is Lincoln and this one on my right is Lisa and we ran away from home Luna said we came here from Royal Woods Michigan why did you run away from home asked the Bat it's a long story Luna said running her and through Lincoln's hair I know you I've seen you on the news a year or too ago you Batman Lincoln said not just that your Bruce Wayne Lisa said Lincoln Luna and even Batman were surprised by this how do you know that said Batman as he got angry Lisa noticed this and said I recognized your jaw line you three knowing by identity puts you at risk if any find out you know who I am come on follow me said Batman as he walked out into the road before pressing a button on his belt and the sound of and engine was heard as a car came to a stop few feet in front of him come on get into the Batmobile said Batman as he got into the driver's seat with Luna sitting up front and Lincoln and Lisa in the back seats and the vehicle speed of back to the batcave

At that is it for the preview of the new story again tell me what you think in the comments. Tell me if you would like to see this made into an actual story, and chapter 14 should be up soon

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