Chapter Eight

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Joy pulls up to the curb in front of the bench where you were sitting. Your eyes appeared slightly red and puffy, and your nose had taken on a rosy hue. Witnessing you in this state tugged at Joy's emotions, almost causing her to reconsider her commitment to Jenna. As you rise from the bench and enter her car, Joy greets you with a sympathetic tone, saying, "Hey, honey." In response, you offer a quiet reply, reclining in the passenger seat with a frown etched across your face, "Hey."
"Let's talk about what happened," Joy suggested gently. "I really don't want to, Joy," you sighed in reluctance. "Well, I think you really need to; maybe you're missing something," Joy responded, her balanced perspective evident. She had often guided you toward better decisions, even when you didn't initially see their merit. "Fine," you grumbled, reluctantly conceding to the conversation. "I'm listening," Joy said, her focus on the road as she drove towards your house. "Well, we had sex. She wasn't there in the morning; I thought she was just in another part of the house. I text her, and she tells me she's at the cafe, so I go there, and she's with Emma," you explained with a hint of nonchalance. "So... what did you do? Did you try to talk to her and see what was going on?" Joy inquired, already aware of the answer from her prior conversation with Jenna. Nevertheless, she sought to understand your emotions and thoughts, hoping to gauge whether she could persuade you to reconsider giving Jenna another chance. "I left. It looked like they were on a date to me. I don't know; it's just hard not to think there's something going on between them, especially since they kissed right after Jenna told me she liked me," you ranted, vividly reliving the situation. "Well, what if they weren't?" Joy challenged, probing for a different perspective. "You're supposed to be on my side, Joy," you said flatly. "Just listen. At the end of the day, Jenna and Emma are still friends. Maybe Jenna didn't want you to get mad at them for hanging out," Joy suggested. "Well, she could have just told me that! Emma is my friend too!" you argued, frustration evident in your tone. "Look, Y/n, I understand why you're upset, but maybe there's more to the story. Don't let your entire perspective on the situation be negative. Besides, Emma wouldn't want to hurt you," Joy said reassuringly. "Well, clearly she's not very considerate, since she kissed Jenna," you grumbled. "To be fair, you and Jenna kissed, and you both knew Emma had feelings for Jenna," Joy pointed out, presenting a compelling argument that left you without a retort.

Jenna rushed to your house, her car laden with some of your favorite flowers and your ring nestled in the glove box. She was practically speeding, her anxiety palpable. Fortunately, Joy was driving at a leisurely pace, affording Jenna a bit of leeway to arrive before you did. The fear gripped her – the fear that you wouldn't understand, that you would hate her and sever all communication. As she navigated the streets, Jenna grappled with the uncertainty of what she was going to say and how she would articulate it.
Jenna fumbled with the keys beneath your doormat, unlocking the door with a mix of nerves and anticipation. She settled onto your couch, anxiously awaiting your arrival with Joy. As the doorknob twisted, she felt her stomach drop, her emotional barriers softening in readiness to pour her heart out, hoping for your understanding. When you walked in, she stood up awkwardly, only to be met with your questioning tone, "Why the hell are you in my house?"

Joy waited outside in the car, prepared to intervene if things took a turn for the worse. "Y/n, listen to me, please," Jenna pleaded. "What? Listen to you tell me bullshit," you retorted, sinking onto the couch.

"Look, I met Emma in the coffee shop because I needed her help," Jenna explained. "Help with getting off," you rolled your eyes. "I told you I don't like her in that way," Jenna firmly asserted, the tension escalating. "Yeah, okay," you replied sarcastically.

"I was asking her for help to propose to you," Jenna admitted, causing you to pause, now utterly distraught. "What?" you said, utterly confused.

Jenna dropped to her knees in a way that was undoubtedly painful, yet she disregarded the discomfort; she just needed you. From her pocket, she produced the ring, her eyes welling up with tears. "I swear I love you. Hell, I'll always love you, and you don't have to say yes now. I just don't want you to hate me. I still want to be in your life, or at least be your friend," Jenna pleaded, almost like a peasant begging at your feet.

In that moment, a change of heart washed over you. You felt a pang of regret for your earlier assumptions and suddenly found yourself grappling with how to respond to Jenna's heartfelt plea.
"Y/n?" Jenna squeaked as your silence lingered. In response, you took a deep breath and gently grabbed her arms, pulling her up from the floor and guiding her onto the couch. "Jenna... I'm sorry for assuming... damn, I feel stupid," you admitted, pinching the bridge of your nose. "No, it's my fault. I should've just told you," Jenna confessed with a tinge of regret.
"Let's just put this shit behind us. I don't want things to be like this," you asserted. "Okay... Are we...? Are you saying yes or..." Jenna's voice wavered, unable to muster the thought of you saying no. A moment of silence hung in the air before you said, "One," and Jenna immediately understood the significance. She pulled you into a hug, relieved and grateful.

Joy, growing concerned about the time, decided to check on both of you. As she opened the door, she witnessed you two embracing, and a smile naturally adorned her face. She was genuinely happy that things seemed to be working out. "I better be your first pick for bridesmaid," Joy interjected, playfully startling both of you and eliciting laughter.

"Hey, she hasn't got me in the bag just yet," you teased. "Oh, but I will soon, my love," Jenna responded, smiling at you. Joy shook her head in amusement. "I'll see you guys," she said, making her exit, leaving behind a newfound sense of happiness and resolution.

A/N: idky I've waited this long to post this sorry guys and also would you have chosen a different route?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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