.+Chapter 15+.

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"Heavenly people, what more do you need to see? The porn star chose a night of debauchery. That's not a soul worthy of being in heaven!" We have been here for like 30 minutes, watching everyone get trashed. When I should be there with Cherri and Angel, I'm stuck up here.

"Um, objection! Are you really telling me you've never had a drink with friends at the end of a hard day?" Well, bitch I use to, but then you basically 'rehabbed' me so not anymore.

"Uh, we don't have hard days? It's fucking Heaven, bitch. You seriously gonna sit there and pretend like this behavior is ok?" Charlie growled at Adam and he smirked, turning to me and Vaggie. "What do you think?"

"I-I- I have to go to the bathroom!" Vaggie rushes out of the courtroom, pussy.

"What? Vaggie, can you hold it?! Angel will make good decisions, come on! We have to keep watching! Please?" Charlie was getting frustrated.

"Yeah, I don't know." Sera, you fucking cunt, give him a chance.

"Yeah, let's give him a chance." I kinda like Emily. She is nice.

"Very well, the court will allow it." Suck up!

"Fuck, yes! I mean... heh... thank you." Yeah, no swearing in Heaven, bitch. We watch for another 20 minutes and I was spinning in a chair. Yes, I did make one appear just so I could spin. I'm fucking bored. Angel stopped Valentino from touching Niffty and stood up to him. I texted him good job. That really confused him. "See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless. He stopped Niffty from stealing and he stuck it to that moth man!"

"Uhhh... well, uh... then why isn't he here then? Hm?" Well, bitch, because he hasn't died again, whore.

"Yeah, why isn't he here?" Is everyone here stupid? Yes, very much yes, the entire court murmured together.

"Wait... none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?" No, they don't aloud someone like Adam here ew.

"This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives, we know when they pass divine judgment. It is our job to ensure these souls are safe."

"But she was right, Sera" Finally some action. "She showed us a soul can improve. He saw the light, Sera" She flies to the orb. "Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance. Now we turn our backs, no second glance?" Yes, that's how this works, bitch.

"It's not as simple as you think. Not everything is spelled in ink" Well, it should be

"It's not fair, Sera" It's nOt FaIr SaRa. Shut the fuck up.

"Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head"

"No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead It doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways. Turn the page Escape infernal blaze."

"I'm sure you wish it could be so, but there's a lot that you don't know"

"What are we even talkin' about?" Yes, the best part. Even though we hate them, they have the best parts. "Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth" She stands up and puts her mask on. "This discussion is senseless and petty," Adam and Lute stand and fly onto the orb as they both sing.

"There's no question to be posed. He's unholy case closed. Did you forget that 'Hell is forever'?"

"A man only lives once. We'll see you in one month. Gotta say I can't wait to"


"Come down and exterminate you!"



"What are you saying? Let me get this straight. You go down there and kill those poor souls?" Wait, she doesn't know? Oh, the plot thickens.

"You didn't know?"


"Guess the cat's out of the bag" I'm not gay or anything but if Lute was in hell, then forget Alastor. I'm kidding!

"What's the big deal?"

"Sera, tell me that you didn't know. I need popcorn. So I do the mature thing and make popcorn appear in my hands. I got a lot of dirty looks but I couldn't care less I'm a princess of hell bitch fight me.

"I thought, since I'm older It's my load to shoulder"


"You have to listen. It was such a hard decision. I wanted to save you, the anguish it takes to" She forces a smile and the fire from the orb reflects in her eyes. Nope, would never trust her. "Do what was required"

"To think that I admired you? Well, I don't need your condescension. I'm not a child to protect" Yes, revolt against her! "Was talk of virtue just pretension? Was I too naïve to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?"

"That's what the fuck I've been saying!" Charlie, what the fuck! She grabs Emily's hand and they jump onto the orb. Wow, this is really a fucking good popcorn.

"If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!"

"Emily!" HAHA BITCH! I mean, ehem... sorry.

"If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky," they have a point. "The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say when you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again"

"I was told not to trust in angels" She points to Vaggie... uh oh she's gonna know.

"By her?" Lute leans on Vaggie's shoulder.

"Ha! She should know"

"We should go" Please we should.

"No! Don't you see? We've come so close. Look at them fighting; they're at each other's throats"

"Don't you act all high and mighty? Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?" She's a liar.

"Don't, Adam, please!" Spill the tea bitch.

"What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?" A dark shadow falls over her and it's of an exorcist. I turned to my sister sadly as her whole world came crashing down.

"I'm sorry... but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed." On what evidence, bitch?

"Oh, FUCK, YES!! I WIN!!! SUCK IT BITCHES. You better save the date cunts, 'cause we're coming to your hotel FIRST." He snaps his fingers and the portal to hell opens and it drags Charlie and Vaggie through.

"What... NO!! You can't-"

"You... Mother fu-" They go through the portal and it closes. Wait, what about me? I throw my popcorn bucket at Adam's head.

"Bitch, you forgot about me. Can I leave now, please?" I dragged out the ending and everybody looked at me like I was crazy. Adam rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, and the portal opened next to me. "Nice song, by the way! Also, see you in HELL!" I shout and laugh, flipping them off while I jump into the portal. When I get to the hotel, I sigh and roll my eyes at Charlie and Vaggie arguing upstairs. Sitting down on the couch, my mind wanders to Alastor. Where is he? I know he's not at the club at all... I whisk myself away, using my shadows. Walking into the halls searching for Alastor, I arrive at his door and knock.

"Hey, bitch I'm home!"

"Y/n" He hugs me and makes a little happy noise. I stare up at the radio demon.

"Heaven kinda sucked" His smile was very wide, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you'll tell me all about it" He welcomes me into his room as I tell him every little detail about Heaven. 

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