.+Chapter 21+.

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"Blitz! Blitz! Blitz! Blitz!"

"C'mon Blizt!" We were all chanting his name as he drank a keg. This is so fucking fun. I am so drunk right now. I don't even remember half the shit I did today. The Hellhounds all howl and I turn to Loona. "Your dad is so fucking cool"

"I know, right?"

"Ha ha! That was nothing, bitch! Gimme a real challenge!" Bee appears behind him with an enormous smile. She loves to challenge.

"Oh, yeah? Wanna fuck with the big bitch, imp boy? I got a challenge for ya." Vortex brings two yellow kegs and places them down.

"Aaaaalright, let's do this! From Bee's personal supply, the hardest shit there is." I tried this challenge 4 times. I almost beat her but blacked out before I could. Blitz does some stretches. "You ready, my man?"

"Oh, born ready! Bring it, barky! I will drink you under this fucking table. You have no idea what kind of night I've had!" Bee uses her powers and lifts the kegs, giving them each a nozzle.

"All right, shit talker, but there hasn't been a soul yet who can beat me at my own game. So, you better bring the fire, baby."

"Oh, is Queen Bee too scared to lose to a little imp like me?"

"Oh, okay. Let's get it on, you little bastard!" They start and Blitz starts to chug.

"Come on, Blitz! Fuck her up! You can do it!"

"Yeah beat her ass!" I yelled and Bee shot me a look of betrayal, but changed into a smile and continued to drink. Blitz rips off the nozzle and chugs the whole keg. Bee looks at him with concern.

"Who's the queen now?!" Loona hugged me and chugged some of her drink.

"Yeah! That's my DAD!"

"Well, fuck me! That's a first. I haven't had a first in a while. That was magical, seriously, impressive. I tip my crown to you, imp boy. Respect." I laughed and everyone howls Blitz gets carried away as me and Loona party together.

"Thanks Y/n for coming with me..."

"Anytime girl, I missed partying!" I slurred out. We continued to dance as Vortex came over.

"Hey, Loon. I don't mean to be a buzz kill here. But, your uh, dad... guy dude... Is um... He's seeming a bit..."

"Out of control, like... A mess."

"Yeah, it's worrisome. You wanna maybe check on him or something?

"What!? No! No, Blitzo is fine. He's always a mess, trust me."

"Yeah, and Bee, since when do you care?"

"Look, honey. I see people having fun and getting fucked up all the time. But he's getting wasted off his ass and causing problems on purpose. So, I feel like, you should check up on him at least." I can see Loona getting angry and I turn to Bee. She looks at me with a pleading look. She doesn't like this what so ever. "Just see if something's up."

"Don't act like you know him like I do."

"I ain't sayin' that. I'm just pretty sure he's had four tongues inside him at once. I mean... good for him." HE IS CHEATING ON STOLAS? I mean anyway. "But... I can taste the flavor of people at my parties, and he's giving off a very, not okay vibe, you know?"

"Oh, yeah? And I bet you'd know the 'okay' vibe, right? I mean, everyone likes you so much.

"What's that supposed to mean? You got a problem or something, sour cream? Don't fuck with me!" Yay, fighting wait shit whose side am I on?

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