Chapter 16: Pip's Ophidian

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Jesse went pale. Sharp stiffened, then turned and raked his claws hard and fast down the wall, hissing. Lil took Pip's hand in hers. It was shaking. Or maybe he was. He didn't know. "She's gassed the room," he continued, feeling like his voice was not his own, "with the stuff they used to immobilize everyone who wasn't human on Beatlebug. It's just her and him, I think."

Sharp let out a hissing growl. Let's go. I will hold my breath. I will hold my breath while I rip her throat out.

No! Pip felt like he was going to throw up again. Or possibly, fail at killing Sharp, who, no matter what or why, would not kill both of his parents.

Sharp stared at him, hatred back in his eyes, sure as ever. Are you bonded or not, human? How can you choose this monster over him?

I choose both. I choose that both survive.

"That might not be an option," Jesse said softly. Then looked up at him, worrying her lip. "Pip," she said finally. "Sharp shouldn't go, true. But you shouldn't either. I'll go."

"No," Pip said. No.

"Why don't I go?" Lil interjected, and they all stared at her. Her voice faltered as she continued, "I could distract Pip's Ma. Captain Hannah, I mean. I could get her to leave. Or at least, uh, deal with me."

"No," Pip said gently, and Lil couldn't hide her relief. "Listen. She's there with him because she wants me to go. So I'll go."

Following orders. What a good little soldier you are.

Shut up, Sharp. Pip surprised even himself.

He shut his eyes. Mel's song was everywhere, mourning Little Bean, mourning Sharp and Jesse and all of them. Mourning him. It was hard to focus. He flapped his hands for a moment, wanting more than anything to just hold Mel instead, beyond caring about any real fact of how crazy that might be when this was reality, too. I can do it, he thought finally. I'll do whatever. Anything. Whatever will keep him alive and get him home to y'all.

And home to Pip.

Sharp faltered. Seemed to almost be embarrassed. He looked away, scowling.

Lil let out a little sob, and when he turned to her she embraced him, hard. He squeezed her as tightly as he could. "I could go with you!" she said.

"You take care of Little Bean," he said instead. "You hold Little Bean while they get the others."

Lil sniffled against his shoulder. When she next spoke, it was clear she didn't even believe what she was saying. "Maybe she can be reasoned with. It could happen!"

Pip smiled a small, wry smile, pushing her back. "Maybe," he lied. His heart hurt.

They separated at the entrance, the others going off towards the lab. He went up, though. Ignoring the elevator, he chose the stairs, a zig zag of flashing red lights and grit. He did not try to hide. He found the whole place empty, now, anyway. While the red emergency lights rolled, there was silence, stillness.

He knew she had made it so he could walk there in peace. He was grateful.

Even if Pip hadn't known this ship like the back of his hand, he would've been able to walk to where Mel was. There was a kite string inside his chest, and it rolled him closer, brightening and opening and breaking him with every step.

He didn't hesitate when he reached the command headquarters. He didn't get a chance to. The doors swished open, and there they were.

"Hello, Pip."

Pip's Ophidian Book 1: Beatlebug & The ProviderWhere stories live. Discover now